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3704E +QQ2746320739 現貨找小趙18020776785
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Datel DM3100N Digital Panel Meter 2V Range
Datel WP5414200 Digital Meter Panel Assembly
RKI Beacon 110 Gas Monitor
Dwyer A3000-0 Photohelic Pressure Switch Gauge w/ Type 2 Enclosure
Omron K3MA-L Digital Panel Meter 100-240V 50/60Hz
Simpson Electric 2152 Gauge 0-50Amperes
Aero-Motive RB2 Balancer with Fiber Optic Flashlight (Small Flashlight)
Winters Pressure Gauge
Dwyer 2010 Magnehelic Pressure Gauge
Rapid ST125DC50MV3K Meter 0-50mV, DC
Rapid ST125DCV-R 0-15V, DC
Rapid ST125DCV-R Meter 0-15
WIKA 9745521 Pressure Gauge 10000 PSI 4"
GE 50-103131-LSZZ2 A-C Ammeter 0-60 AC Amperes Type AB-40  (Frame Cracked)
GE AC Amperes Meter 0-600 (Frame and Plastic Cover Cracked)
Bristol OG2G624C-14-M9 Gauge Assembly (Has Output And Supply Fittings)
Ashcroft 20W1005 H01B Pressure Gauge 0-60 PSI
Noshok 320910 Injection Pressure Gauge 3000 psi
Dwyer 3001C Photohelic Water Gauge 0-1.0 Inches of Water
Dwyer 3001 Photohelic Water Gauge 0-1.0 Inches of Water
Westinghouse 291B292A15R Amp Meter
Siemens EP Expansion Plug
Crompton 262-DDVU-MT**PQ-61 Digital Panel Meter
Crompton 262-DDVU-MT**-PQ Digital Panel Meter 0-10V DC 120V AC
Ashcroft 238A520-01 Pressure Gauge with Hoke 6801L8Y Gauge Valve
DigiTec 2811A-04FX Intelligent Digital Panel Meter (NEW)
GEW H1140 Voltmeter
Omega Engineering 199B-P2-AX Digital Readout Meter 110 VAC (NEW)
Marshalltown 9885 Pressure Gauge 0-200 PSI, 0-1400 kPa
Hersey 9601835 Ramapo Mark V Target Flow Meter 100 SCFM
Marsh 16668 Pressure Gauge 60PSI
Red Lion Controls APLVD Voltmeter
Crompton VA-PZSJ Switchboard Voltmeter 0-600V
Modutec Inc. 2154-3404-04 Panel Mount Volt Meter
Crompton Instruments 262-DDVU  LED Digital Panel Meter USED
Crompton Instruments 262-DDVU  LED Digital Panel Meter
Red Lion Controls CUB4I Current Meter Reflective Display
WIKAI 0-160PSI Pressure Gauge
Noshok Oil Filled 0-160 PSI Equipment Gauge
Noshok Oil Filled 0-400 PSI Equipment Gauge
Crompton Instruments 262-DDVU-MT Counter
MPI MP9410-PRR  Pressure Indicator Alarm
Dwyer Magnehelic Meter Gauge Inches of Water
Ashcroft Q-8962 Industrial Duralife Gauge 0-350 PSI
Mitsubishi YM-210MR Relay Meter Class B 3A 250VAC
Modutec 930510-001A Panel Mount Meter 0-100 Percent
National Meters Industries Inc. K3223 Kilowatt Hour Energy Meter
Meco 3903 Pressure Flowmeter 50 PSIG
Gits Bros Liquid Level Column View (Small)
Schrader Bellows Hydraulic Gauge Max PSI 500
Rego FM-5559 Pressure Compensated Flowmeter Calibrated at 50 PSIG
SMC Pressure Gauge 0-150 PSI
Ashcroft Gauge 0-100
Marsh Pressure Gauge 0-100 PSI 0-700 kPa
Yokogawa 250300DRDR8 Panel Meter 0-200 lb
STI 341-0442-100/385-1C00-006 Flow Meter
STI 341-0442-100/385-1C00-006 Flow Meter (Case Discoloration)
LFE 40 Digital Panel Meter
Dwyer 2004C Magnehelic Water Gauge 0-4 Inches of Water (2 Brass Fittings)
Areo-Motive RB2 Balancer with Small Flashlight
3" Diameter Econometer Meter
Johnson Controls G-2010-5 Pressure Gauge 0-30 PSI   0-200 KPA
Shurite 302 D.C. Milliamperes 0-5
GE 50-152111CYCY2 D-C Microamperes 0-50
WIKA Pressure Gauge 0-30 PSI
Simpson F351710 Digital Panel Meter 120 VAC
Mitsubishi YS-12 Amp Meter Class 1.5
Mitsubishi YS-12 Volt Meter Class 1.5 0-600 (Window Cracked)
Daiichi PSK-80 Amp Meter 0-100
Simpson 71D113 Anode Ammeter
Simpson F-35-1-71-0 Digital Panel Meter 120 VAC
Simpson F451730 Digital Panel Meter120 VAC
Simpson H235-1-0710-0-1-0 Digital Panel Meter
Kuwano TER-45D Amp Meter 0 to 150%
Toyo Keiki YJJ01849 Voltage Meter 0-150
KKT Kraus EN 837-1 Oil Filled Gauge -1 to 9 bar
Pressure Gauge 0-10 bar 2 3/8"

  • 聯係人: 吳金孝 先生
  • 電話: 0592-5165553
  • 真: 0592-5165561
  • 手機: 15359409553
  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 廈門思明區湖濱東路湖光大廈8樓A單元
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