品牌:英維思 | 產地:美國 |
3507E 數字輸入模塊 3507E 數字輸入模塊
本公司專業銷售GE 90-30 90-70係列。
工作QQ :2851195452++
電話:05925856210++18030132583 張玉(經理)
地 址:廈 門 市 思 明 區 湖 光 大 廈 8 層 A 單 元
353D2F1NNNNNNA4 Moore 353 Process Automation Controller
353D2FNNNLNNNA4 Moore 353 Process Automation Controller
353D2FNNNNNNNA4 Moore 353 Process Automation Controller
354N1D1LNLNNNAJ Moore 354
362A2F Recorder
363A11N1NN1AN Moore 363 Multi-Point Digital Recorder
363A21N1NNNAN Moore 363 Multi-Point Digital Recorder
363A21N4NN1AN Moore 363 Multi-Point Digital Recorder
363A21N4NN1B4 Moore 363 Multi-Point Digital Recorder
363A21N4NNNA4 Moore 363 Multi-Point Digital Recorder
363A21N4UD1B4 Moore 363 Multi-Point Digital Recorder
363A21N4UN1B4 Moore 363 Multi-Point Digital Recorder
372A11NF Moore 372 Indicator Station
372A21NF Moore 372 Indicator Station
372A21NN Moore 372 Indicator Station
382BA21VNF Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21D1F Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21F1F Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21F1N Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21FNF Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21FNN Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21N1F Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21N1N Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
382EA21NNF Moore 382 Logic and Sequence Controller
352EC21T1F Moore 352 Single-Loop Digital Controller
352EC21TNF Moore 352 Single-Loop Digital Controller
352EC21V1F Moore 352 Single-Loop Digital Controller
352EC21VNF Moore 352 Single-Loop Digital Controller
352PBA21A1NNNA4 Moore 352Plus Single-Loop Digital Controller
352PBA21A1TNNA4 Moore 352Plus Single-Loop Digital Controller