該產品根據超聲波脈衝反射原理來進行厚度測量的,當探頭發射的超聲波脈衝通過被測物體到達材料分界面時,脈衝被反射回探頭,通過測量超聲波在材料中傳播的時間來確定被測材料的厚度。時代超聲波測量厚儀係列是集當代科技電子技術和測量技術於一體的、先進的無損檢測儀器,採用微電腦對數據時行分析、處理、顯示,採用高度優化的測量電路,具有測量精度高、範圍寬、操作簡便、工作穩定可靠等特點。廣泛應用於石油、化工、冶金、造船、航空、航天等各個領域。 TT120超聲波測厚儀聲速固定為5900m/s(鋼材聲速),可以對各種鋼鐵類板材和加工零件作測量。在TT110基礎上增加了高溫功能,可測量高溫鋼鐵,高溫度到300度。
★手提箱 1個
★主機 1臺
★探頭 5P¢10探頭1支
★電池 AA型鹼性電池2節
★耦合劑 1瓶
★隨機文件 1套
One, product introduction
The product according to the principle of ultrasonic pulse reflection for thickness measurement, when the probe transmitted ultrasonic pulses through the object to be measured when reaching the material interface, pulse to be reflected back to the probe, through the precise measurement of ultrasonic propagation time in the material to determine the thickness of the material. Measurement of ultrasonic thickness gauge era is a series of contemporary science and technology electronic technology and measurement technology in one, advanced nondestructive testing equipment, using microcomputer on line analysis processing, display, data, using highly optimized measurement circuit, has the advantages of high measuring precision, wide range, simple operation, stable and reliable working characteristics. Widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, shipbuilding, aviation, aerospace and other fields. TT120 ultrasonic thickness gauge ultrasonic velocity is fixed at 5900m/s ( steel velocity ), can be a variety of steel plates and processing components for the accurate measurement of. On the basis of TT110 increased by high temperature function, capable of measuring high temperature steel, maximum temperature to 300 degrees.
Two, technical indicators
★measurement parameters: Ra, Rz, Ry, Rq, Rt, Rp, Rv, Rmax, R3z, RSk, RS, RSm, Rmr
Three, product characteristics
★high temperature test function, velocity was fixed at 5900m/s, measuring surface temperature up to 300 degrees;
Automatic proofreading Zero: can the system errors correction;
★coupling, low voltage tips tips;
Automatic shutdown (no operation in three minutes );
★data storage: can store 10 thickness value;
★velocity fixed : 5900m/s suitable for measuring the thickness of steel;
Four, the basic configuration
★suitcase 1
Host 1.
★probe 5P ¢10 probe 1 branch
★battery AA type alkaline battery 2
★coupling agent 1 bottles
1 sets of random file