PRI Automation Tooling Test Fixture w/ 2002-2960 PCB & NI SCN-68 Connector
2 Thermonics T-2500-75 temperature forcing systems semiconductor thermal test
GENRAD 2531-4703 AE DEC QBus Card from GENRAD test System for Repair.
C87768 Lotus Technologies 6038-E Test Fixture w/ Spindle Motor, Del-Tron Stages
Schroff Test Adapter Extender Board 23021603 New
Silicon Wafer (25) 6" Silicon Wafers, Test Grade, NIB
Sigma Environmental Thermal Test Chamber Controller PFS-1 PFS-2 C4 1TH-18DH33-5
Exatron Particle Interconnect Socket 20PIN PLCC/LCC Test Head Unit C/OKIT
Genmark Gencobot Remote Integrated Prealigner -Test/Calib. -Software-Warranty
CTI-Cryogenics 9600 Compressor 8135900G001 tested working has 99,987.4 hours
Teradyne Catalyst RF Test System for Parts only
Protek DC Power Supply 3003, Voltage (0-30V), Amps, (0-3A) Used, Tested, Works
New Dektak 3 or Dektak 3ST Surface Profiler Computer fully tested, 90 Day Wrnty.
CTI-Cryogenics 9600 Compressor 8135900G001 17,122.0 hours tested working
Schroff Test Adapter Extender Board 23021603 *NIB*
Comair Rotron: JQ24B4X Fan, 24VDC, 1.0A Tested Good
Westbond 70PT Pull Test W/Manual
4 inch (100 mm) epi test silicon wafers solar mechanical front side polished
8" to 6" Silicon Wafer Test JIG for Semiconductor Tool
CTI-Cryogenics 9600 Compressor 8135900G001 7,554.4 hours tested working
Tektronix High-Volt Differential Test Probe P5200 Used Working
Hadax Breakout Test Unit Model 4015-RMS Type "S" (EXP# 2757)(EB)
Disco DFD-2D8 Dicing Saw -Sold as parts system due to lack of expertise to test
Leybold Sogevac SV100 Rotary Vane Pump: SV 100 Tested Good
ASSY PIA TEST PCB BD 28-0001-002
Micromanipulator 6000 Test Probe Station
RMC Cryosystems Test Cryostat Cryogenic Electrical Wafer Probe Vessel
MCT 4600 / 4610 52 Pin PLCC Test Contactor, P/N 135660 Rev C
Exatron PI C/O KIT SOIC (not tested)
Pall Filter, GTMN3600CC4-PED-TEST
HP Agilent 3435A Digital Multimeter w/ Test Leads WORKING UNIT
H&W Test Products Rebounder
Xynetics Electroglas 1034X Wafer Probe Test Station;high speed, friction free
Hewlet Packard HP / Agilent 6286A 20V/10A DC Power Supply, Works, Tested
HP 83000 Test System: Main Unit, Test Head, Chiller, PC, Cables... Loaded- NR
Thermo Vacuum 12" Chuck 100V 950W Heat Plate With Stand Heated Stage Sigma Test
MKS Instruments Baratron Capacitance Manometer 628B-23459 tested working 0.1Torr
ENI OEM-12AL RF Generator With Recent Test Data in Box/Packing from MKS
International Test Solutions Tel P-12 XL WAPP
Cerprobe Semiconductor IC Test Probe Head Interface #1
Cerprobe Semiconductor IC Test Probe Head Interface #2
SMC XLAV-40G Vacuum Angle Valve, KF-40, He Leak Tested
Remington test four point probe2
VAT 16546-PA21 Pendulum Vacuum Valve: Rebuilt-He Tested
Pfeiffer/Balzers TCP 300 Turbo Pump Controller: Tested
TRIO-TECH 481-F Bubble Leak Detector Pressure Chamber Filtration System Test Box
VAT 24328-KA81 Vacuum Angle Valve, KF-25, He Tested
MKS 1 Torr Baratron Manometer 627A01TBC Tested Working
Comair Rotron: MX2A1 FAN, Tested Good *
Toshiba IGBT MG600Q1US51 Toshiba Power Module *Test*
Lot of HV Vacuum Coaxial Seive Flex Trap Parts Nor-Cal Helium Leak testing FCT-4
C56823 Dage Microtester 22 10kg Shear Test Load Cell
Comair Rotron: SU2A5 FAN, Tested Good *
C52791 Dage Microtester BT22 1.5kg Pull Test Load Cell
C67867 Dage BT22-LC02 50gm Pull Test Load Cell for BT22
C58258 HP E7104A-115 Cerprobe Prober Test Head Interfac
C59691 Aetrium 900A Pick & Place IC Test Handler
Mitsubishi BK0-C2433H07 IGBT Power Module 50Amp *Test*
Leybold Heraeus Inficon CIS Controller 908-140-G1 for Transpector Test System
PCB ASSY ADIO A0 810-77146-1 REV E5 - TESTED
C79070 Dage BT22-LC31 1kg Shear Test Load Cell
COHERENT Fiber Array Package (FAP) Laser System Tested
Pfeiffer/Balzers TCP 600 Turbo Pump Controller: Tested
Equipe Technologies ABM-407B-1-S-CE-S293 Transfer Robot tested and working
G79873 Dage BT22-LC33 Shear Test Load Cell 5Kg
C79069 Dage BT22-LC32 10kg Shear Test Load Cell
AE Advanced Energy MDX Pinnacle 6kW DC Power Supply 3152428-131 tested working
Leybold Oerlikon Trivac B Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump D65B tested working 170046
C53165 SensArray 8" ProcessProbe Instrumented Test Wafer 1501B-8-0053 *NIB*
AX Corporation Test Module P5005 CUF005 A/V005 P/T005 Used Working
Advantest T6671E Semi-Cond