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品牌:霍尼韋爾 規格: 產地:


ZhongHaiDe (Fujian) Industrial Equipment Co., established in 2014 in Fuzhou, is a leading equipment supplier in the field of automation in China.

Our company distributes globally renowned brand industrial automation products mainly from Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries,such as ABB, Foxboro, Yaskawa, Sew and so on.

Among all these companies, Yaskawa as a world class Transmission Product Manufacturers from Japan, which has a history more than 100 years. It provide a lot kinds of products, such as inverters, servo drives, controllers and robots. It can provides our customers a lot of choices.

With professional and first-class technology and business team, our company provides customers with high quality products and perfect after-sales service. And we he formed a mature model for service of system users. It has realized the humanization of services, the simplification of processes and the standardization of management, effectively helping customers extend the life cycle of electrical equipment and reduce Operating costs, control the risk of stop production, increase production efficiency!

Our products are reliable and cost-effective, if you want to know more about our products, just click here: http://www.zhdfj.com/. or: fjzhdcm@outlook.com or ayj897463393@gmail.com. also you can add wechat :13376990653. QQ:3004650323  We’re looking forward to your visit.

PILZ皮爾茲787436;P2HZ X1P C 120VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲787438;P2HZ X1P C 230VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲787439;P2HZ X1P C 240VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777959;PSWZ X1P 0,5V/24-240VACDC coated
PILZ皮爾茲4105777;Motordrossel MD 400/10
PILZ皮爾茲773505;PNOZ mo1p 4so coated version
PILZ皮爾茲773722;PNOZ mc4p DeviceNet
PILZ皮爾茲772000;PNOZ mm0p 24VDC
PILZ皮爾茲787341;P2HZ X1.10P C 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777330;P2HZ X1P 24VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777331;P2HZ X1P 42VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777332;P2HZ X1P 48VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777340;P2HZ X1P 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777434;P2HZ X1P 110VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777435;P2HZ X1P 115VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777436;P2HZ X1P 120VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777438;P2HZ X1P 230VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲777439;P2HZ X1P 240VAC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲301173U;PSS SB HYD, Updaizenz
PILZ皮爾茲8176334;Widerstand Brems 1600W/23R/T/U
PILZ皮爾茲777341;P2HZ X1.10P 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 2so
PILZ皮爾茲773537;PNOZ mo4p 4n/o coated version
PILZ皮爾茲788010;PMUT X1P C 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 5so
PILZ皮爾茲774434;P2HZ X1 110VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774331;P2HZ X1 42VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774330;P2HZ X1 24VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774340;P2HZ X1 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774332;P2HZ X1 48VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774341;P2HZ X1 26VDC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774435;P2HZ X1 115VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774438;P2HZ X1 230VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774439;P2HZ X1 240VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲774436;P2HZ X1 120VAC 3n/o 1n/c
PILZ皮爾茲302101;PSS1 DI 2
PILZ皮爾茲8176364;Widerstand Brems 1600W/10R/T/U
PILZ皮爾茲8176374;Widerstand Brems 1600W/33R/T/U
PILZ皮爾茲8176376;Widerstand Brems 1600W/15R/T/U
PILZ皮爾茲570713;PSEN sg1c-2/1 2.2 1switch
PILZ皮爾茲778010;PMUT X1P 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 5so
PILZ皮爾茲312085;PSSu H FS SN SD
PILZ皮爾茲474120;PNKL 24VAC/24VDC
PILZ皮爾茲474123;PNKL 110VAC/24VDC 一般新濾料的除塵效率是不夠高的。濾料使用一段時間後,由於篩濾、碰撞、滯留、擴散、靜電等效應,濾袋表面積聚了一層粉塵,這層粉塵稱為初層,在此以後的運動過程中,初層成了濾料的主要過濾層,依靠初層的作用,網孔較大的濾料也能獲得較高的過濾效率。隨著粉塵在濾料表面的積聚,除塵器的效率和阻力都相應的增加,當濾料兩側的壓力差很大時,會把有些已附著在濾料上的細小塵粒擠壓過去,使除塵器效率下降。另外,除塵器的阻力過高會使除塵係統的風量顯著下降。

  • 聯係人: 小夏 先生
  • 職位: 經理
  • 真: 0591-83489960
  • 電話: 0591-83489960-8004
  • 手機: 13376990653
  • 址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市高新區烏龍江大道萬山大廈中海德10樓
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