品牌:福克斯波羅 | 規格: | 產地:美國 |
ZhongHaiDe (Fujian) Industrial Equipment Co., established in 2014 in Fuzhou, is a leading equipment supplier in the field of automation in China.
Our company distributes globally renowned brand industrial automation products mainly from Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries,such as ABB, Foxboro, Yaskawa, Sew and so on.
Among all these companies, Yaskawa as a world class Transmission Product Manufacturers from Japan, which has a history more than 100 years. It provide a lot kinds of products, such as inverters, servo drives, controllers and robots. It can provides our customers a lot of choices.
With professional and first-class technology and business team, our company provides customers with high quality products and perfect after-sales service. And we he formed a mature model for service of system users. It has realized the humanization of services, the simplification of processes and the standardization of management, effectively helping customers extend the life cycle of electrical equipment and reduce Operating costs, control the risk of stop production, increase production efficiency!
Our products are reliable and cost-effective, if you want to know more about our products, just click here: http://www.zhdfj.com/. or: fjzhdcm@outlook.com or ayj897463393@gmail.com. also you can add wechat :13376990653. QQ:3004650323 We’re looking forward to your visit.
Q64RD 鉑電阻輸入模塊:4 通道
Q64RD-G 鉑電阻輸入模塊:4 通道(通道間隔離)
Q68RD3-G 鉑電阻輸入模塊:8 通道(通道間隔離)
Q64TCTT 熱電偶輸入:4 通道,晶體管輸出
Q64TCTTBW 熱電偶輸入:4 通道,晶體管輸出,帶斷路檢測
Q64TCRT 鉑電阻輸入:4 通道,晶體管輸出
Q64TCRTBW 鉑電阻輸入:4 通道,晶體管輸出,帶斷路檢測
Q64TD 熱電偶輸入模塊:4 通道
Q64TDV-GH 熱電偶輸入模塊:4 通道,微電壓輸入
Q68TD-G-H01 熱電偶輸入模塊:8 通道
Q68TD-G-H02 熱電偶輸入模塊:8 通道
QD60P8-G 8通道,5/12至24VDC輸入,輸入過濾設定
QD62 2 通道,200kpps,5/12/24VDC 輸入,漏型輸出
QD62D 2 通道,500kpps,差分輸入,漏型輸出
QD62E 2 通道,200kpps,5/12/24VDC 輸入,源型輸出
QD66 6 通道,200kpps,5VDC 輸入
QD64D2 2 通道,4Mpps,24VDC 輸入
QD75P1 1 軸, 集電極開路輸出
QD75P2 2 軸, 集電極開路輸出
QD75P4 4 軸, 集電極開路輸出
QD70P4 4 軸, 脈衝串輸出
QD70P8 8 軸, 脈衝串輸出
QD75D1 1 軸, 差分輸出
QD75D2 2 軸, 差分輸出
QD75D4 4 軸, 差分輸出
QD70D4 4 軸,脈衝串輸出,*大輸出脈衝:4Mbps
QD70D8 8 軸,脈衝串輸出,*大輸出脈衝:4Mbps
QD72P3C3 3 通道,100kpps,5VDC/24VDC 輸入;3 軸, 集電極開路輸出
QJ71WS96 Web服務器,10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
QJ71E71-100 以太網模塊,10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
QJ71C24N 串行RS232C,1通道,RS422/485,1通道
QJ71C24N-R2 串行RS232C,2通道
QJ71C24N-R4 串行RS422/485,2通道
QJ71GP21S-SX CC-Link IE模塊,帶外部供電功能
48.053.563 QJ71GP21-SX CC-Link IE模塊
QJ71LP21-25 MELSECNET/10H 模塊,SI/QSI 光纖,雙環
QJ71LP21S-25 MELSECNET/10H 模塊,SI/QSI 光纖,雙環,帶外部供電功能
QJ72LP25-25 MELSECNET/10H 模塊,遠程站SI/QSI 光纖【工藝流程】備用料炭化冷卻活化洗滌翻炒烘幹粉碎過篩得活性炭成品。【操作步驟】將備用料加入3倍量的44%氯化鋅液(用調pH=1),充分攪拌浸漬,靜置吸收5小時,再充分攪拌復靜置吸收5小時,至氯化鋅液全被吸收幹,移入敞口平底炭化爐中密閉炭化,於4℃炭化3小時,隔3分鐘左右攪拌一次,攪拌前將爐溫降至1℃以下,攪拌後再升溫密閉炭化,直至變成黑焦,表明炭化完成,出料冷卻,用2倍量的44%氯化鋅液(pH=1)浸漬,充分攪拌,使氯化鋅液全部被吸收,移入活化爐中,於65℃活化7分鐘,出料冷卻,移入木桶內,加入等量的4%氯化銨液,充分攪拌洗滌,靜置澄清,虹吸出清液,依次用3%、12%和3%的氯化銨液攪拌洗滌,再用等量的3%攪拌洗滌,濾取炭粒,入鍋,加入等體積的清水,煮沸洗滌幾次,至洗滌無氯化銨為止,加熱蒸發,攪拌翻炒,棄掉水分,烘幹、粉碎,過12目篩,得活性炭,密封包裝。