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品牌:福克斯波羅 規格: 產地:美國


ZhongHaiDe (Fujian) Industrial Equipment Co., established in 2014 in Fuzhou, is a leading equipment supplier in the field of automation in China.

Our company distributes globally renowned brand industrial automation products mainly from Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries,such as ABB, Foxboro, Yaskawa, Sew and so on.

Among all these companies, Yaskawa as a world class Transmission Product Manufacturers from Japan, which has a history more than 100 years. It provide a lot kinds of products, such as inverters, servo drives, controllers and robots. It can provides our customers a lot of choices.

With professional and first-class technology and business team, our company provides customers with high quality products and perfect after-sales service. And we he formed a mature model for service of system users. It has realized the humanization of services, the simplification of processes and the standardization of management, effectively helping customers extend the life cycle of electrical equipment and reduce Operating costs, control the risk of stop production, increase production efficiency!

Our products are reliable and cost-effective, if you want to know more about our products, just click here: http://www.zhdfj.com/. or: fjzhdcm@outlook.com or ayj897463393@gmail.com. also you can add wechat :13376990653. QQ:3004650323  We’re looking forward to your visit.

AMS 304i 300
HRTR 3B/44-XL,200-S12
RKR 55/6.42,5000
LSSR 25B-S12
LSER 2/42D,150-S12
AMS 348i 200
PRK 46B/66,200-S12
IHRT 46B/4-S12
LSS 318 K-70-S12
MVS label BPS 8
PRK 25/66.2
LSS 318 M-70
IPRK 18/4 DL.41
BCB 8 special length,25mm high
LSS 318 K
HRT 25/66.03-300-S8
PRK 318 M/P一年一次將機組關閉並按照下列內容檢查機組。調換油過濾器芯子。注:建議若無必要,不要換壓縮機油,除非油分析結果為已污染。測試所有連接法蘭處有無冷媒存在,以檢查連接法蘭的密封性。調換法蘭墊片/圈。測試壓差開關的設定,要確保開關在壓差上升至5psid時分開。檢查冷凝器管道的污垢程度,若發現污垢嚴重,請參照第1章的內容加以清潔。測量壓縮機電機繞阻對地絕緣電阻。此測量應該由合格的技術人員參與並保證測試器材良好。

  • 聯係人: 小夏 先生
  • 職位: 經理
  • 真: 0591-83489960
  • 電話: 0591-83489960-8004
  • 手機: 13376990653
  • 址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市高新區烏龍江大道萬山大廈中海德10樓
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  • 聯係cnal客服:
  • 致電: 0371-63388900