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品牌:施耐德 規格: 產地:法國


ZhongHaiDe (Fujian) Industrial Equipment Co., established in 2014 in Fuzhou, is a leading equipment supplier in the field of automation in China.

Our company distributes globally renowned brand industrial automation products mainly from Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries,such as ABB, Foxboro, Yaskawa, Sew and so on.

Among all these companies, Yaskawa as a world class Transmission Product Manufacturers from Japan, which has a history more than 100 years. It provide a lot kinds of products, such as inverters, servo drives, controllers and robots. It can provides our customers a lot of choices.

With professional and first-class technology and business team, our company provides customers with high quality products and perfect after-sales service. And we he formed a mature model for service of system users. It has realized the humanization of services, the simplification of processes and the standardization of management, effectively helping customers extend the life cycle of electrical equipment and reduce Operating costs, control the risk of stop production, increase production efficiency!

Our products are reliable and cost-effective, if you want to know more about our products, just click here: http://www.zhdfj.com/. or: fjzhdcm@outlook.com or ayj897463393@gmail.com. also you can add wechat :13376990653. QQ:3004650323  We’re looking forward to your visit.

FBM237 P0914XS
FBM215 P022VU
DM400YL FBM 10
FBM201 P0914SQ
P0970WY DTE周邊連接線
FBM203 P0914SV
P0916KF-0B FBM203端接組件
Q0104AP pH電極!新!
FBM 1/43 P0700DJ端接電纜
P0916AE 0C FBM203端接組件
FBM 1/43 P0700DJ端接電纜
FBM201 P0914SQ
FCM10E P0914YM 10 Mbps同軸以太網至2Mbps Fi
工業電源模塊IPM2-P0904HA Rev A P0904HA
870IT I / A係列電導率變送器
FBM237 P0914XS介紹智能器的結構原理。性能,功能,調試日常維護過程中出現的典型故障智能閥門器是新一代產品,其工作原理,結構特點,較以往常規電氣閥門器有大不同,因而在使用中遇到了一些新問題本文結合我單位三聚氰胺裝1多臺FISHER公司和2多臺NELES公司制造的智能閥門器的成功應用和典型故障,探討智能化(模擬信號疊加數字信號)閥門器的如下幾個問題。結構原理新一代智能閥門器是基於微處理器讀取輸入信號(mA),位置傳感器的位置信號,和壓力傳感器輸出壓力信號經運算處理,產生驅動信號,使執行器動作。

  • 聯係人: 小夏 先生
  • 職位: 經理
  • 真: 0591-83489960
  • 電話: 0591-83489960-8004
  • 手機: 13376990653
  • 址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市高新區烏龍江大道萬山大廈中海德10樓
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