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PROFIBUS PA±µ¤f²Å¦XProfile 3.01¡]²{³õÁ`½u¼Ð·ÇPROFIBUS¡AEN

50170¡A§O¦WDIN 19245[PRO91]¡^¡C

ÅÜ°e¾¹¶Ç¿é«H¸¹¬O®Ú¾ÚIEC 61158-2³]­pªº¡C


¨î³y°Ó¯S©wªºPROFIBUS PA ID½s¸¹¬°¡G0x3430¡C

¸Ó¸Ë¸m¤]¥i¥H¨Ï¥ÎPROFIBUS¼Ð·ÇID 0x9700©Î0x9740¶i¦æ¾Þ§@¡C

The factory setting for the current output is 4 ... 20 mA.

For devices without explosion protection or for operation in Zone 2 / Div. 2 the following

is valid:

The signal can be configured in "active" or "passive" mode. The current setting is contained in

the order confirmation.

For devices for operation in Zone 1 / Div. 1 the following is valid:

For devices designed for use in Ex Zone 1 / Div.1, the current output cannot be reconfigured

subsequently. The configuration required for the current output (active/passive) must be

specified when the order is placed.

For the correct current output design (active/passive), see the marking contained in the device's

terminal box.

If the signal is configured in "active" mode, no external power may be supplied to the current


If the signal is configured in "passive" mode, external power supply to the current output is

required (similar to pressure and temperature transmitters).

For units with PROFIBUS PA, the bus address must be checked or configured prior to start-up.

If no bus address information was supplied by the customer, the unit was shipped with its BUS

address set to ¡§126¡¨.

The address must be reset during start-up to a number within the valid range (0 ¡K 125).

Important (Notice)

The address selected may only appear once in the segment.

The address can be set either locally on the unit (via the DIP switches on the digital board),

using system tools, or via a PROFIBUS DP master class 2 such as Asset Vision Basic


The factory setting for DIP switch 8 is OFF, i.e., the address is set using the fieldbus.

The front cover can be unscrewed to change the settings. It is also possible to set the address

via menu by using the keys on the display board.

The PROFIBUS PA interface conforms with Profile 3.01 (fieldbus standard PROFIBUS, EN

50170, alias DIN 19245 [PRO91]).

The transmitter transmission signal is designed according to IEC 61158-2.

Important (Notice)

The manufacturer-specific PROFIBUS PA ID no. is: 0x3430.

The unit can also be operated with the PROFIBUS standard ID nos. 0x9700 or 0x9740.

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