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馬達、 內存卡、 電源,機器人備件等)各類工控產品


GE:IC693  IC695  IC697係列 

Schneider(施耐德):140  TSX 係列 

Siemens 6DD,6FC,6SN,6FC,6S5係列,Foxboro係統卡件,



Perske KRS35.3-2 milling motor 1.3kW speed 17350/min. 165V Hz300

Perske Type : VUS 50.09-4 3 Phases Motor 1230upm

Perske Type: SUV 50.09-4 3 Phase Engine 1230upm

Perske Type: VS 30.06-2 3 Phase Spindle Motor 17300upm 300Hz

Perske Type: VS 30.06-2 3 Phases Spindle Motor 17300upm 300Hz

PES-20 Greenhouse Welding PES-20 ibfo Electric Welding Controller PES-20

PES-20B Greenhouse Welding Greenhouse Guasch Greenhouse PE20

Peter electronic DAS 18.5, 18.5 kW,

Peter electronic DAS 22 type no.: 21000.38022 brake device 22kW 400V

Peter Electronic DAS11, Motor Brake Device 21000.38011

Peter Electronic The 18.5, 18,5 Kw,

Peter electronic The 22 Item Nr 21000.38022 BRAKING Unit 22kW 400V

Pfeffer + Partner RPLN 20-1H Planetary Gear I = 5 Ratio 5

Pfeiffer Tcp 200 Power Supply

Pfeiffer Tcs 100 Pumping Control Unit

Pfeiffer Type Tcs 100 Pumping Control Unit

Philips 1204/15, Philips PMC100, Power 30

Philips 4022 226 0790

Philips 40222301259 Philips CPU Control Board

Philips 9404 462 00301, Philips Dis 30

Philips 9404 462 01351, Philips P&V 35

Philips 9404 462 03311, Philips Valve 31, Philips PMC1000

Philips 9404 462 06301, Philips Sic 30

Philips 9404 462, Philips CPU 70, Philips 4022 250 0100

Philips 9404 780 03472, Philips Dio 47

Philips 940446236101 Control Unit Keyboard Asc 1-96511981

Philips Graph 8P MOD-B34801 D1217, Maho MH 400, Philips MB6274

Philips Iqt 350, Pmc 1000, Philips 940446236001, 940446235051, 46331036

Philips KS94 Temperature Regulator Philips 9407 924 01101

Phillips 4022 226 11466 Board

Phytron ZMP 92/70H/V Board Phytron Stemak Phytron 2003819

Phytron ZSH 125-200-7.5 Multiphase Motor Phytron Zsh

Piads GBC 288, 12KHZ, 1MB

PIC-SPS-2.3 Control Board for System CMC Instruments TG20K

Pierburg TCU 4000

Piovan MDT1 complete color mixing system dosing system

Piovan MDT1 Complete Farbmischanlage Dosieranlage

Piv Electronics S1T-2, 2/400-M T Positron S IN 5,7A, Out 3x0-380/440V 6,0A

PIV electronics S1T-2.2/400-M T Positron S in 5.7A, out 3x0-380/440V 6.0A 2.2kW

Planetary Gear Siemens LP090-M01 Ratio = I:10

Planetary transmission Siemens LP090-M01 ratio = i:10

Platine 2-083-01-5562 Interface Lightbus Fpga Altera EP2C5 V2 Board 3-012-05-30

Platine 2-083-02-8318 Interface LB / TPU / E/A

Platine Assy 6434866-04K 6434875-04 (E)

Platine Assy 6434866-04K Platine Assy 6434875-04(E)

Platine Fiskars 1000281 F1, Fiskars 1000282B From Fiskars Ups 9150D Plant

Platine Hirschmann KYDE-S Hirschamnn 743510-101 Coax Interface

Platine Melibok US L1033-5 Distributor Control Board

Platine MPVME1400 Systemforschung MP1401 500 0690, Item 027404, Board DB23254620

Platine NUM Memoire 256/768, NUM 200655B

Platine S30810-Q1695XE5 Control System Board S30807-X-6/S30807-X5227-X-4-11

Platine Schindler RDS3.QA Id-No. 834423 Schindler Control Unit Automation

Platine Systegra Rip Version 2 11.2002+ Stapler C+ Altera Apex EP20K200EBC356-3

Platine Systemforschung MP1401 500 0690 Rev.1.10, Item 027404, MPVME1400

PLC controller ABB 07 KR 240bR21, BBC GJV3 0724 28 R2

PLC Electronic DU5010 Tester for Electronics

Plotech 98-servo 4-0 Control Board

PMA KS90-102-00090-062 Industrial Process Controller Temperature Controller Refurbished

Pmb Electronics 0791010A Power Supply Control Module for Baasel Lasertech BL791

Pmb Electronics PO-791-020 Baasel Lasertech BL791 Control Board

Pmb Electronics PO791050A Baasel Lasertech BL791 Control Board

PME Smi86-2/4 Schrittmotorsteuerung PME Electronic SMI-86

PME SMI86-2/4 stepper motor control PME electronic SMI-86

Pneumatic circular switching unit RSE9 12 499 (RSE9 6 199) (RSE9 10 89), ? 270 mm

Pneumatic Rundschalteinheit RSE9 12 499 (RSE9 6 199) (RSE9 10 89), ? 10 5/8in

Polytec Dc Voltage Light Source + Ringlight, Eke, Fostec 20751/20

port E4224B0 Control Board port OSE55353 Very Good Condition

port E4323C0 Control Board Plotech E169497 VGC

port XPS-DRV01 Control Board port E3448B0 Very Good Condition

port XPS-DRV03 Driver Module port E3913B0 VGC

Posital UCD-SRA1B-1616-028N-PA0-551 Encoder SSI + Incremental

Posital UCD-SRA1B-1616-028N-PA0-551 Rotary Encoder Ssi + Incremental

Positionierantrieb Siko AG03-0039 48-50W-M-IP50-KR/12-A E12-ABM-OMS-PB-SW

Positioning Drive Siko AG03-0039 48-50W-M-IP50-KR/12-A E12-ABM-OMS-PB-SW

Power Company ESA3M2209 B5/M71Q Motor Rod Magazine Mini Boss 325 CNC

Power Supply NUM Alimnetation V2, NUM 200506A

Power Supply NUM Alimnetation V2,NUM 200506A

Powertronic S0 233.1 Power Supply Input 220 VAC Output Multi 5-15-12-VDC 20A

Pr?zision-kugelrollspindel D:1 15/16in Tapered 0 19/32in Useful Length

Precilec RDC14MF0.06CA Code /000050 Dynamo Speedometer Max.5000 RPM

Precision Ball Roller Spindle D: 49mm Slope 15mm Useful Length 800mm

Precitec P0001-335-00001 Module WH 1335

Precitec Ze Eg 316 Hbg, P0316-800-00001, Manually Operated Device with Cable

Preeflow eco-20462 Petrol Lawnmower with Function Am Plug IN Can

Pressure Sensor Hottinger Baldwin Hbm P3MB Measuring Range 200 BAR 2 Mv / V

Process controller Jumo 703570/091, Jumo 703570/091-1100-111150-23-00/03.056

Procom CXL2400-6LW/I 2300-2500MHzi Original Box  Round Beam Antenna

Prodel Turbo Bedinger?t Prodel Dd112007, 019a+Dd112007, 019b+A12008, 001a

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