艾訊股份有限公司 (Axiomtek Co., Ltd.)全新推出通過eMark、ISO7637、EN50155、EN50121以及IEC60945等交通運輸應用認證強固型無風扇嵌入式計算機係統tBOX810-838-FL,能滿足車載、軌道與船舶等多樣交通運輸應用的需求。搭載Intel? Atom? E3845 Bay Trail四核心中央處理器,尺寸僅寬16.38公分、深10.8公分、高4.4公分,重量僅0.77公斤的輕量級迷你機身;支援無風扇運作和零下 40?C 至高溫 70?C 的寬溫操作範圍,以及9 ~ 36V寬範圍直流電源輸入,適用於各種嚴峻的環境。高質量無風扇交通平臺tBOX810-838-FL是車載、軌道與船舶交通等M2M智慧係統的。
艾訊憑借的專業技術,為車載、鐵路與船舶提供完整的產品解決方案,我們提供能、可靠性且通過專業認證的無風扇嵌入式計算機係統,適合智慧交通應用與嚴峻環境的應用領域。tBOX810-838-FL搭載Intel? Atom? E3845 4C@1.91 GHz四核心或Intel? Atom? E3827 2C@1.75 GHz雙核心中央處理器 (原名稱Bay Trail),內嵌能容量高達4 GB的DDR3係統存儲器。此強固型嵌入式計算機平臺另配備2組全尺寸PCI Express Mini Card插槽,附帶1組SIM卡插槽,多功能整合提供不同運輸領域應用。
艾訊產品企劃處工業及嵌入式係統產品企劃部黃士哲表示:「艾訊專注開發一係列智慧交通應用計算機平臺,此次推出車載、軌道與船舶功能於一身的通用型嵌入式機種tBOX810-838-FL,不僅節省客戶對不同市場應用的產品庫存管理、更節省係統整合者對於不同應用平臺的整合開發時間,只需維護與開發tBOX810-838-FL的軟、硬件,則可一次銷售至三個應用領域。在可靠性及耐久性方面,此平臺設計有保護車輛電池與係統的智能型電源管理、高低電壓保護;同時,透過車輛點火與ACC延遲時間的設定,當車輛在啟動與熄火時,可以有效防止係統數據遺失與車輛電池耗盡,駕駛者毋需額外費心管理係統電力狀態。此外,係統支援零下40?C至高溫70?C的寬溫操作環境,可承受高達3Grms的振動力。此迷你強固型Intel? Atom? SoC交通運輸嵌入式計算機平臺,已全數取得多項專業認證,包括:eMark、ISO7637、EN50155、EN50121以及IEC60945等,為車載設備控制器、車隊管理、智慧交通監控,以及閘道器等多項應用的佳解決方案。」
Intel? Bay Trail SoC強固型極輕巧設計的智慧交通嵌入式計算機tBOX810-838-FL內部配備2組RS-232/422/485埠、1組8-bit輸入/輸出埠、1組VGA埠、2組USB 2.0埠、1組遠端遙控開關、1組還原鍵、4組開放式天線、2組M12或RJ-45類型乙太區域網絡埠等周全的輸入/輸出界面。另提供1組2.5吋0.95公分的SATA與1組mSATA等儲存界面,也配備2組全尺寸PCI Express Mini Card插槽,附帶1組SIM卡插槽,可選購安裝802.11 a/b/g/n/ac無線區域網絡卡,達到有效率的連網通訊功能。此通過交通運輸認證的嵌入式平臺,提供M12 A-coded的直流電源輸入埠或鳳凰直流電源輸入埠供客戶選擇。
艾訊提供一係列網絡通訊計算機平臺、工業級平板計算機、嵌入式計算機係統及平臺、嵌入式單板計算機及模塊等與智能型物聯網相關的解決方案,應用於智慧交通運輸、節能、公共事業、智慧工廠以及自動化領域;tBOX810-838-FL車載、軌道與船舶通用的機種預計於2015年底出貨,並且已導入無鉛制程 (RoHS)
手機 :18150695049(微信同步)
QQ :2880842794
傳真 :0596-3119658(請備注林工收)
1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波羅):I/A Series係統,FBM(現場輸入/輸出模塊)順序控制、梯形邏輯控制、事故追憶處理、數模轉換、輸入/輸出信號處理、數據通信及處理等。
2:Invensys Triconex: 冗餘容錯控制係統、基於三重模件冗餘(TMR)結構的現代化的容錯控制器。
3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION係統、WDPF係統、WEStation係統備件。
4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。
5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140係列處理器、控制卡、電源模塊等。
6:ABB:工業機器人備件DSQC係列、Bailey INFI 90等。
7:Siemens(西門子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens數控係統等。
8:Motorola(摩托羅拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等係列。
9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和處理器等。
10:GE FANUC(GE發那科):模塊、卡件、驅動器等各類備件。
12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士樂):Indramat,I/O模塊,PLC控制器,驅動模塊等。
Schleicher dza12l 3 - 60 SEC. time Relay
Schleicher dzt32-sl 1,5 - 30 SEC. time Relay
Comat EUCR-br-30/uc under power control relay 24 V-UN-BNIB
Dold sl9277.12ct under - on Power Relay TV = 0, 1 - 20s AC/DC 24v 0, 5 - 10
Mannesmann Rexroth z2fs 6-2-41/2qv Directional Control Valve
Mannesmann Rexroth hbl61-a484-3-0 Hydronorma Hydraulic Valve
Rexroth 4 TE 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Hydraulic Valve Hydronorma Lid FAULTY
Delaval x1t-4000-25 30 - 250 Bar Test pressure 600 Bar DC 28/1 V/A AC 250/4
Merkle IP 100.63/32/80.01 .201 Cylinder
Parker j-3lr14mc hydaulikzylinder
Atos hg-031/125/v/10 pressure limiting valve = Un!!!
Atos hg-031/32/v/10 pressure limiting valve = Un!!!
MSM 7/61277 grfy 045f20e03 Hydraulic Valve 24 V Coil Voltage 100% ED
MSM 7/62191 grfy 045f20e03 Hydraulic Valve 24 V Coil Voltage 100% ED
Hydraulic Ring as040ar1a3 Pressure Switch Hydraulic Control Valve 250 V
Mannesmann Rexroth Hed 8 Oh 12/50 k14 S Pressure Switch 250 V AC 5a DC 125 V 0, ...
Daikin mg-02p-03-30-t reduction valve
Herion s6vh10g0190011m Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Mannesmann Rexroth 4we 6 d53/ofag 24nz4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Mannesmann Rexroth 4we 6 d53/ofag 24nz4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nz4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 j52/ag24nz4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 j52/ag24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Vickers dg4v 3 2c M U h7 60 Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Coil Voltage 24 VDC 30w
Vickers dg4v 3s 2c209 M U hh5 60 Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Coil Voltage 24 VDC 36
Vickers dg4v 3 2c M U h7 60 Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Coil Voltage 24 VDC
Vickers Hydraulic Solenoid Valve gemae? Photo Coil Voltage 24 V
Vickers dg4v 3s 2c209 M U hh5 60 Hydraulic Solenoid Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Rexroth 4we6 j52/ag24nz4 Directional Control Valve Hydronorma 24 V Coil Voltage
Hartmann + l?mmle m20-12-0, 4 p1.200-0d Power Regulator
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Volt...
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ag24nz4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Mannesmann Rexroth z2fs 6-2-41/2qv Directional Control Valve
Mannesmann Rexroth z2fs 6-2-41/2qv Directional Control Valve
Mannesmann Rexroth z2fs 6-2-41/2qv Directional Control Valve
Mannesmann Rexroth z2fs 6-2-41/2qv Directional Control Valve
Mannesmann Rexroth z2fs 6-2-41/2qv Directional Control Valve
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V
Rexroth hydronorma 4we 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Directional Control Valve 24 V
Vickers dg4v-3s 2a M U h5 60 SOLENOID HYDRAULIC VALVE 24v Coil Voltage
Rexroth 4 TE 6 d52/ofag 24nk4 Hydraulic Valve
Klockner Moeller de4-br1-240-285 Brake Resistor-UN! -
Klockner Moeller dv4-340-2k2 Frequency Inverter
PEPPERL + Fuchs kfd2-sot2-ex2 Breaker K-System-UN! -
OMRON c4k-id Input Unit
Steel 8040/11 Pushbutton
Netstal Egg B 110.240.3259/Egg B 1102403259 Card
Netstal MT-B 110.240.4364/MT-B 1102404364 Card
OMRON e3s-ar86 optoelectronic Sensor
OMRON e5as-qhkj Temperature Controller
OMRON e5es-qhkj - 522 Temperature Controller
OMRON h8ps-8a Cam Positioner
ABB procontic cs31 ECZ Module Carrier-Un -
DATEL bpm-12/60 Dual Output Power Supply with ISSC-IPF c-16-12-263 Rev. Card
DATEL bpm-12/60 Dual Output Power Supply with ISSC-IPF c-16-12-263 Rev. Card
DATEL bpm-12/60j Dual Output Power Supply with ISSC-IPF c-16-12-263 Rev. - Kart
Euchner TZ 1 LE 024 RC 18 vabh-c1826 Safety Switch With Actuator
IFM Efector 500 Pressure Sensor pb5224 OGT 304127a = Un!!!
Square D input class 8009 Type dn164 24v DC
Square D Relay Output Class 8009 Type rt8 24v DC
TR Electronic he 65m Encoder 205-00059
TR-Electronic ce-65-m Encoder
TR-Electronic ce-70-m Encoder
TR-Electronic ce-70-m Encoder
Turck si30-k33-ap7x-h1141/s97-f2 Sensor
Dold Clock Generator AI 360.0081 a1/a2 ac50/60 Hz 220 V
Karl Bode d581 me?verst?rker Interface FB
Schmersal sicherheitszuhaltung AZM 170sk-02zrk-2197 24vac/dc in originalverpack
Demag 96121447 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121477 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121477 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 do1 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 do1 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 do1 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 do1 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 do1 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 do1 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 do1 PCB Card
Demag 96121447 d01pcb Card
Demag 96121447 d01pcb Card
Demag 96121447 d01 PCB Card
Demag PCB 96121447 DOI Card
Demag PCB 48070444-4 LRI Card
Demag 96121477 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121477 d01 PCB Card
Demag 96121477 d01 PCB Card
HK SYSTEMS CNC Control Board ZPL 081955
Heckler Koch 050.100.515.10plc Board EK 113483
Endress Hauser programming unit CGC 170-20 rackbus Interface NR 104 000-2000
East 5-e-781 LS angle encoders Insert Card CP card
East 5-e-781 LS angle encoders Insert Card CP card
Hengstler ri58-o/5ek.42kd-s Incremental Rotary Encoder 0 523 779 10 - 30 VDC-ELE...
Hengstler ri58-o/5ek.42kd-s Incremental Rotary Encoder 0 523 779 10 - 30 VDC-ELE...
Hengstler ri58-o/5ek.42kd-s Incremental Rotary Encoder 0523779 10 - 30 VDC ungeb...
IKEGAI p010 02080089 F OT (PMC-M) distributing Board
Leuze BCL 31 S L 100 Barcode Scanner 50041379 10 - 30 V DC-UN -
Termo-Regulador 3.22.4r1j 130295-1566 kostatic - 2
Indramat 109-0736-4b03-04 Mok Module 236693 - 0303 7 software La 01. 2 - 002. 5
Mushroom 774504 PNOZ xv2 0,5/24vdc 2n/o 2n/o Fix Emergency Stop schaltgeraet
Pilz PNOZ xv2 0.5/24vdc 2n/o 2n/o Fix Emergency Stop schaltgeraet-UN! -
Bauer e2-20/do 44-141 L B S Gearbox Motor
Tug Drum Motor glexxx Type xxx788-mgc for Swing Arm Robot SR 800
Cyclo xfcg 208-59 gearbox with ADDA fc63-4 Motor
Gem El. Pro. M G 63b6 Gear Motor
Herrmann hs12e-db250/330-70/120 ga3 Rectifier Pillar
Motor Fabr. FBSP 80a-4/ht typ80/4
Oriental Motor 2rk6gn-aw Reversible Motor
Oriental Motor 21k6gn-cw un 100% Functional
Oriental Motor 21k6gn-e un 100% Functional
Oriental Motor 2ij3gb-aul Induction Motor
Oriental Motor 41k25gb-c Induction Motor
Oriental Motor 4ik25gn-aw - UN -
Oriental Motor 4rk25gk-c2 - UN -
Oriental Motor 5rk40rgn-c Speed Control Motor
Oriental Motor m425-401 un 100% Functional
Oriental Motor mbm425-412 AC Magnetic Brake Speed Control Motor
Pacific Scientific H 22 NRFC-lnn-ns-00
RGM Angle Gearbox SN 5 FR I = 30:1
Sew-Eurodrive dft90l4/tf MOTOR-UN! -
Unimec MTP 204 Gearbox Model MBD
Siemens 6fx8002-2ad00-1ah0 Signal Line > UN! <
Siemens 6fx8002-2eq10-1aj0 Signal Line > UN! <
Siemens 6fx8002-5ca01-1bj0 Performance Line > UN! <
Siemens 6fx8002-5ca01-1cc0 Performance Line > UN! <
Wieland KL. ADA. bu.10wl, 70.120.1053.3 Pack = 10 St., OVP
Wieland KL. ADA. bu.10wl, 70.120.1053.3, pack = 10 ST,
Phoenix Contact 2753601 i/0 Module IBS RT 24 di016/16-t
Telemecanique TSX DST 16 35
Phoenix Contact STTB 2,5 Double Deck Tension Spring Clamp NR 3031270-un-I
Rexroth nfd03.1-480-007 Power Line Filter-UN! -
Rexroth irkl 4302 Cable L = 7 M-UN! -
Telemecanique lr9 F 5369 Thermal Overload Relay
Armaturenbau Border SIGNAL GENERATOR TYPE m1 Manometer 0 - 10 Bar Max 250 V 30 W...
Bailey & Mackey Type 110 0 - 30 HG no T 8698 001 PNEUMATIC VALVE with pressure g...
Bosch/Rexroth 0820215115 Pneumatic time link-UN -
B徂rkert 2000 a 13,0 PTFE 16 Bar G 1/2 Welding housing for 2/2 way schr?gsitzve
B徂rkert 0263 a 10,0 NBR MS Pneumatic Solenoid Valve G 3/8 "PN 0 - 5 Bar
B徂rkert 2000 a 20,0 PTFE 11 Bar G 3/4 Welding housing for 2/2 way schr?gsitzve
Festo lc-5/4-1/4 Basic Valve Body
Festo PNEUMATIC CYLINDER DNCB - 32-440-ppv-a/532723
Festo T 3-1/4 Push Valve
Gripper unit pneumatically with Festo DSNU - 16-5-p-a/14323
HOERBIGER DZV 1083/80-6 Cylinder
Brittle Ugevqt 10r02w6 Gas Solenoid Valve 3/8 "PE 200 mbar 230 V 50/60 Hz 2
Martonair/Norgren S 560d 42/s560d42 Valve
Norgren v62c513a-a313l Solenoid Valve 2 - 10 Bar 24 V Coil Voltage
SMC emgql 25-20 Compact Cylinder With Guide
SMC mhq2-6d-x17 Pneumatic grippers
SMC MXS 16-50as Compact Sled
Third F 21177/30m Cable > UN! <
Third F 21974/30m Cable > UN! <
Third K 1063000/30m Cable > UN! <
Maho Operator Manual for MH 600 E
Siemens 6fx8002-5ca21-1bh0 Performance Line > UN! <
Siemens 6es5305-7la11 Interface Module
Siemens 6es5340-3kb42 Cylinder Assembly-UN! -
Siemens 6es5372-0aa61 SIMATIC s5 E-Prom
Siemens 6es5373-0aa21 EPROM
Siemens 6es5373-0aa21 SIMATIC s5 E-Prom
Siemens 6es5373-0aa31 EPROM
Siemens 6es5454-7la11 Assembly
Siemens 6es5454-7la11 Assembly
Siemens 6es5454-7la11 Digital Output
Siemens 6es5460-4ua11 Analog Input-UN! -
Siemens 6es5460-4ua11 Analog Input-UN! -
Siemens 6es5466-8mc11 Analog Input UN
Siemens 6es5466-8mc11 input
Siemens 6es5466-8mc11 input
Siemens 6es5788-8ma11 Assembly
Siemens 6fx1115-0aa01 Video Opera.
Siemens 6fx1120-3bb00 FBG Coupler
Siemens 6fx1190-1ae00 Card
Siemens 6fx1190-1ae00 Assembly
Siemens Simatic s5 EPROM 6es5375-8la11
Siemens 3vh1320-1ml10-4ap0 Starter Combo
Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive settlement Shear E Stand B
Demag 46948744 PCB Card LRI
Demag 96121447 PCB Card DOI
Tahayi Inport tz-1009c Card
Tahayi Outport tz-1010d Card
B徂rkle + Sch?ck Single Phase Transformer t061337
B徂rkle + Sch?ck Single Phase Transformer t061338
Boschert Power Supply oli30 4033 11056-02 Rev. R (?)
Boschert Power Supply oli30 4033r 11056-02 Rev. E
Boschert Power Supply oli30 4033x 11056-02 Rev A
LAMBDA ljs-11-5-0v Power Supply
Contraves GB SAA 007 Rack 13" W PS 5kw
Instrumatic btsca 1406/50 Isolating amplifier BEDA Computer HSP 1406-50-000
Primation btsca 1406/50 Isolating amplifier BEDA Computer HSP 1406-50-001
Eximet Transformer TVO E 150.92/015 Transformer-UN! -
Jura-Electronics jdtu G 4/2 S Transformer
Murrelektronik ndg25-380s/24 Power Supply 852288
Siemens 3rk1300-0hs01-1aa1 EM 300 DS
Siemens 6fc5111-0ba01-0aa0 SINUMERIK Verse B
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 PLC card
Siemens 6fx1126-0bl00 EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1125-1aa01 SINUMERIK me?kreis Assembly 548 251 9101 Verse E
Siemens 6fx1821-0ax02 EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1821-0ax02 EPROM Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1822-0ax17-3a EPROM Module
Siemens simadyn 6dc1017-8bc
Siemens 570 284 7001 .00 SINUMERIK Memory Module 6fx1128-4bc00
Siemens 6fx1126-0bp02 SINUMERIK Memory Module Un
Siemens 6fx1120-7ba01 Sinumerik Module Verse D
Siemens 6fx8002-5ca41-1bg0 Performance Line > UN! <
Siemens 6fx8002-5ca41-1cc0 Performance Line > UN! <
Siemens 3rk1300-0gs01-1aa1 Starter
Siemens 4av3295-0ar00 Transformer
Siemens 6fc9320-3hs00 Angle Step donor
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 Card
Siemens 6fx1115-0aa01 Video Operator
Siemens 6fx1120-7ba01 Card
Siemens 6fx1125-1aa01 Card
Siemens 6fx1806-0bx01 Sinumerik Module
Siemens 6fx1807-0bx01 Random Access Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1813-0bx03 E-Prom
Siemens 6fx1818-1bx01-3c EPROM
Siemens 6fx1821-0ax02 570 284 7001 .00 EPROM
Siemens 6fx1822-0ax17-3a E-Prom
Siemens 6fx1822-1bx13-4f E-Prom
Siemens 6fx1830-0bx03 SIMATIC E-Prom
Siemens 6fx1852-1bx12-3c SIMATIC E-Prom
Siemens 6fx2002-2eq14-0ah0 Cable L = 680 cm
Siemens 6fx8002-2ca54-1bf0 actual Cable Extension
Siemens c98043-a1069-l226
Siemens c98043-a1238-l106 somovert P. 6se11 a3 FBG-ZK. Railing
Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1601-8ba
Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1603-8ba
Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1603-8ba
Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1603-8ba
Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1703-8ab
AEG 029 048 378 control Board card
LAMBDA lis-9i-24 Power Supply
LAMBDA lis-9i-24 Power Supply
LAMBDA pa-3a-4-6sg Power Supply Unit
Murrelektronik 10355 Filter
OMRON cpm1-cif11 Interface Unit-UN!!!
OMRON cpm1-cif11 Interface Unit-UN!!!
OMRON s8ps-15024cd Power Supply
Prominent Dosiertechnik PDS 250 Pulse. Damper-UN! -
Sew Eurodrive tvs10a-e06-000-1/connected cable gland-UN!
Siemens 06 800-a/VG 95324 F 48 M - A 548 122 9001.
Siemens 3rx9502-0ba00 as-Interface Power Supply
Siemens 6dc1004-8bc simadyn
Siemens 6fx1410-0cx44 Battery Tray
Siemens 6fx1410-0cx44 Battery Tray
Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive settlement Shear
Siemens cp3044 Floppy Drive 5 1/4"
Bosch 1070065587-204 Card 1298-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 3600-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4900-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-204 Card 0698-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-204 Card 0798-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-204 Card 1298-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-205 Card 3899-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 1900-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 1900-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 2000-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 3600-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4200-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 3600-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4200-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4200-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4200-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4200-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4300-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4900-i-c-b-t
Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 4900-i-c-b-t
Bosch e24v Module 1070075101-309 - UN! -
Euchner tz2le024sr11 Safety Switch 70958, un
Sew LINE Filter NF 008-443 no 8257213
Euchner 052874 steps Switch With Knob-Un-in opened original packaging
Euchner 052874 steps Switch With Knob-UN-BNIB
Cutler Hammer e51dp2 Photo Electric Sensor Series b3-UN-BNIB
Cutler Hammer e51dp6 Photo Electric Sensor Series b3-UN-BNIB
Limit Switch w 22/122 ? 100 MM
H428 1c Profibus Interface AB-DT-PDP Ver 1.2
Turck ni20u-m30-ap6x-h1141 Inductive Sensor SN = 20 mm 10 - 30 VDC ungebrauch
Turck ni20u-m30-ap6x-h1141 Inductive Sensor SN = 20 mm 10 - 30 VDC ungebrauch
Rexroth 3we 6 a62/eg24n9k4 hydaulikventil r900561180
E.L.B. t200.l.2500mm Gauge
Hendor MDLB s6-98022 Control Box for Mech. Running Dry-UN! -
Johnson Controls p33ab-9200 Pressure Switch
Siemens 6es5451-4ua14 Digital Output
Siemens 6es5980-0ca11 Battery Cpl. U = 3 V; | - 50 MA Un
Siemens 6es5454-4ua12 Digital Output UN!!!
Siemens 6fx1126-1aa03 SINUMERIK Video Board E-J UN!!! in ge?ffne
Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 SINUMERIK Servo Interface E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 SINUMERIK Servo Interface E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 SINUMERIK Servo Interface E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 SINUMERIK Servo Interface E Stand a
Wenglor zw600pct3 Laser Sensor
Siemens 6fx1151-1bd01 Video Graphics Card E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1151-1bd01 Video Graphics Card E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1862-1bx01-4e SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1860-0bx02-4e SINUMERIK EPROM Module
Siemens 6es5454-4ua12 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 1
Siemens 6es5454-4ua12 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 1
Siemens 6fx1410-0cx44 SINUMERIK Battery Sliding Adjuster C
Siemens 6fx1125-1aa01 SINUMERIK me?kreis Assembly 548 251 9101 Verse C-ungebra
Siemens 6es5454-4ua12 Digital Output E Stand 2
Siemens 6fx1128-4bc00 SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1862-1bx12-7b SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1860-0bx01-7b SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1863-0bx01-7b SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1860-0bx02-7b SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1861-2bx03-7b SINUMERIK EPROM Module Verse B
Siemens 6fx1821-0ax02 EPROM Module 570 284 7001 .00
Siemens 6es5454-4ua12 SIMATIC s5 Digital Output E Stand 2
Siemens 6fc5111-0ba01-0aa0 SINUMERIK me?kreiskarte E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1862-1bx01-4e Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1860-0bx02-4e EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1821-0ax02 SINUMERIK EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1128-4bc00 SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1808-1bx72 Sinumerik Module COM software
Siemens 6fx1120-3bb00 SINUMERIK FBG coupling E Stand C
Siemens 6fx1120-3bb00 SINUMERIK FBG coupling E Stand C
Siemens 6fx1125-1aa01 SINUMERIK me?kreisbaugruppe Servo Interface E Stand E
Siemens 6fx1115-0aa01 Video operator E Stand C
Siemens 6fx1115-0aa01 Video operator E Stand C
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D
Siemens 6fx1861-2bx03-7d SINUMERIK PLC software Eprom Module E Stand B
Siemens 6fx1860-0bx01-7c SINUMERIK EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1128-4bc00 SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1862-1bx01-7d SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1863-3bx01-7c SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6es5454-4ua12 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 2
Siemens Sinumerik 570 207 9101 Memory Module 6fx1120-7ba01 Verse D
Siemens Type 03 400-a SINUMERIK Card E-F
Siemens 6es5454-4ua12 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 1
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK 3 FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1120-3bb00 SINUMERIK FBG coupling E-E 01
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1112-0aa01 SINUMERIK FBG Edition E-D 01
Siemens 6fx1120-3bb00 SINUMERIK FBG coupling E-ABCD 01
Siemens 6fx1125-1aa01 SINUMERIK Measuring Circuit Assembly E Stand E
Siemens 6fx1125-1aa01 SINUMERIK Measuring Circuit Assembly E Stand E
Siemens 6fx1126-0bl01 SIMATIC EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1822-0ax17-4a EPROM Module
Siemens 6es5417-7aa11 SIMATIC s5 RELAY ASSEMBLY-UN-BNIB
Siemens 6fx1126-0bl00 SINUMERIK EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1821-5bx01-2d SINUMERIK Memory Module
Siemens 6fx1126-0bl01 SIMATIC EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1126-0bl01 SINUMERIK EPROM Module
Siemens 6fx1115-0aa01 Video operator E Stand C
Rexroth Pneumatic Unit FD 06w43 mnr:335 441 891 0 > UN! <
Siemens 6es5946-3ua22 SIMATIC Central ASSEMBLY E Stand 2
Bosch 1070078832-103 SERVODYN D B LP OM 04-d > UN! <
Bosch 1070078832-103 SERVODYN D B LP OM 04-d > UN! <
OMRON c200hw-bi081 Base Unit-UN! -
Bosch Servodyn D Module 1070078832-103 - UN! -
Bosch Servodyn D Module 1070078832-103 - UN! -