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SVG 03-80266-01 D

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SVG 03-80266-01 D 本公司有大量庫存現貨,全新原裝,歡迎訂購,當天可發貨!!!!!!
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SVG 03-80266-01 D




   隨著近幾年傳感器技術的不斷進步,用戶現在能將高性價比的測量集成在過程中,而且分辨率能達到0.0001 inch。元件在下一個制造工序前能自動被識別。

Rexroth Indramat

DYMO Label Manager PC II Thermal Printer,
Allen Bradley 1756-PB75 24V Rack DC Input Power Supply 96426674 PARTS
Ecom I.ROC 527 High Performance Industrial PDA
Cirilium VOIP Media Gateway 6200 W/ VIP60 + CSU71 Cards
Adic 98-5300-04 Fastor DLT 7000 Desktop Autoloader For PARTS
Adic 98-5300-04 Fastor DLT 7000 Desktop Autoloader
Desko BMOS 4020 U Keyboard w/ Magnetic Card Reader
Sony Playstation 3 60GB Hard Drive For PARTS or REPAIR
Thermaltake RC2300101A MAX-2533 Drive Enclosure Hot Swap Mobile Rack Sata HD SSD
Extron MTP T 15HD A Transmitter + Power Supply
Extron MTP RL 15HD A MTP Video Audio Receiver + AC Adapter
AMBICO Video Camera 57" Adjustable Tilt/Pan Tripod V-0554
AMBICO Video Camera 63" Adjustable Tilt/Pan Tripod V-0551
Plantronics CS55 Wireless Headset Systems, Lot of Various Plantronics Equip
2-00378-03 LCD Panel Controller Board + LCD for IBM Tape Library ML6000
Digi Rule Rat Model 1000 Digitizer + Foot Pedal & AC Adapter
DVE DSA-0301-05 Switching Power Supply 770340-02 4-Pin, Lot of 3
Bogen MT-250D
HP A7782A Y-Mouse USB to PS/2 Converter
Tandberg Video Conference 550 TTC7-05 Broken for PARTS
TAN Tanorama II Multi channel Soft Edge Blending Processor
AMX Panja Axcent 3 Integrated Axcess Controller FG5955
AMX AXB-VOL3 3 Channel Volume Control Rack Mount with 2 Units Installed
Sony Camera Adaptor CMA-D2 Adapter
Extron Medialink Switcher MLS 406
Biamp Systems Mic/Line Mixer 8 Channel Transistor 801
Oxmoor MDA-16
TOA 900 Series - II A-906MK2 Amplifier USED W/ 1 B-01 Input Installed
TOA 900 Series - II A-906MK2 Amplifier USED W/ 2 U-14R Inputs installed
TOA 900 Series - II A-906MK2 Amplifier USED
Amx AxcessControl System Access Card frame AXF-BP with 4 access cards
APC Surge Protector PNET1GB
Extron Panja Mean Well And Motorola Ac Adapters, Lot of 40 Pieces AS IS
AMX Netlinx Card frame NXF-Mini w/ 4 Card Slots + Netlinx Power Supply FG-423-41
Extron P/2 DA2xi & P/2 DA2xi MT Distribution Amplifier 33-128-07 W/ Power Unit
Extron P/2 DA2xi & P/2 DA2xi MT Versa Tools Distribution Amplifier 33-128-07
Videology Solutions Optical 16x Power Zoom 20Z704USB-LED Lit Camera
Atlas Sound MG2001 Sound Masking Generator / Equalizer
Extron RGB 168xi Universal Interface with ADSP
Matrox Axio 63039621051 XLNKLE Rack Mount Breakout Box XLR SDI Video Audio 1394
Bird APM-100E 100 W 400-1000 MHz Wattmeter Element/Slug
Bird 50A 50W 25-60 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for 43+
Bird 5D 5W 200-500 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for 43+
Bird 5A 5W 25-60 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for 43+
Bird 50E 50W 400-1000 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element 43+
Bird 50D 50W 200-500 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for 43+
Bird APM-250E 250 W 400-1000 MHz Wattmeter Element/Slug
Bird APM-10L 10 W 1700-2200 MHz Wattmeter Element/Slug
Bird 801-1 1 W 800-1000 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for
Bird DPM-50E 1.25 W-50 W 400-960 MHz Wattmeter Element/
Bird 50L 50 W 1.7-2.2 GHz Wattmeter Element/Slug 1700-2
Bird 100E 100W 400-1000 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element 43+
Bird 250E 250W 400-1000 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element 43+
Bird 5A/Struthers 503B-5 5W 25-60 MHz Wattmeter Slug/El
Bird DPM-5E 125 mW-5 W 400-960 MHz Wattmeter Element/Sl
Bird 10D 10W 200-500 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for 43+
Bird 25E 25W 400-1000 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for 43
Bird DPM-50L2 1.25 W-50 W 1900-2200 MHz Wattmeter Eleme
Bird 10B 10W 50-125 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for 43+
Bird 800-2 2.5W 800-950 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element 43+
Bird 5D/Struthers 503E-5 5W 200-500 MHz Wattmeter Slug/
Bird 150-2 2.5W 150-250 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for
Bird 10D/Struthers 503E-10 10W 200-500 MHz Wattmeter Sl
Bird DPM-5L2 125 mW-5 W 1900-2200 MHz Wattmeter Element
Bird 250-2 2.5W 250-450 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element for
Bird 800-1 1 W 800-950 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element 43+
Bird 50A/Struthers 503B-50 50W 25-60 MHz Wattmeter Slug
Bird 801-2 2.5 W 800-1000 MHz Wattmeter Slug/Element fo
Bird 10L1 10 W 1.7-1.99 GHz Wattmeter Element/Slug 1700
Bird 5L1 5 W 1.7-1.99 GHz Wattmeter Element/Slug 1700-1

  • 聯係人: 吳金孝 先生
  • 電話: 0592-5165553
  • 真: 0592-5165561
  • 手機: 15359409553
  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 廈門思明區湖濱東路湖光大廈8樓A單元
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  • 聯係cnal客服:
  • 致電: 0371-63388900