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¹Å¹ê¦hOptigear BM1000¾¦½üªo

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¹Å¹ê¦hOptigear BM¾¦½üªo ²£«~¼Æ¾Ú

Castrol Optigear BM¹Å¹ê¦hOptigear BM

Gear oils with MFT»PMFT¤¤ªº¾¦½üªo

Description »¡©ú

Castrol Optigear¹Å¹ê¦hOptigear


BM are solid-free high performance gear oils containing the additive combination Microflux°©Åè¬O°í¹êªº¾¦½üªo¤¤§t¦³ªº²K¥[¾¯²Õ¦X Microflux



(MFT).¡]MFT¡^¡CDesigned to reduce wear caused by surface fatigue, pitting, spalling, scuffing, scoring or¦®¦b´î¤Ö³y¦¨ªí­±¯h³Ò¿i·l¡AÂI»k¡A­é¸¨¡A¹º¶Ë¡A±o¤À©Î

irregularities during running-in period and during normal operations.´Á¶¡©M¦b¥¿±`¾Þ§@¹Lµ{¤¤¡A¦b¹B¦æ¹Lµ{¤¤ªº¹H³W ¡C

Microflux Trans (TRANS=TRiple Action Non-sacrificial Surface engineering) improves friction surfaces to an extentMicroflux¸ó¡]TRANS =¤T­««DÄ묹ªí­±¤uµ{¡^¦bµ{«×¤W´£°ª¤F¼¯À¿ªí­±

not possible with normal machining processes and conventional Extreme Pressure (EP) lubricants.¤£¥¿±`ªº¥[¤u¤uÃÀ©M¶Ç²Îªº·¥À£¡]EP¡^¼í·Æªo¦¨¬°¥i¯à¡CIn a tribological¦b¤@­Ó¼¯À¿¾Ç

system, the polarized MFT additives instantaneously create a passive film on friction surfaces before friction occurs.«Y²Î¡A·¥¤ÆMFTªº²K¥[¾¯Àþ¶¡³Ð«Ø¹ï¼¯À¿ªí­±¶w¤Æ½¤ªº¼¯À¿µo¥Í¤§«e ¡C

At a given load level, the MFT additives create a resistant protective layer on friction surfaces.¦bµ¹©wªº­t¸ü¤ô¥­®É¡AMFT²K¥[¾¯³Ð«Ø¤@­Ó«OÅ@¼h¼¯À¿ªí­±­@¡CUnder severe load,¦bÄY®mªº­t²ü¡A

components of the MFT additive combination are activated and diffuse into the surfaces initiating an improvement ofMFTªº²K¥[¾¯²Õ¦Xªº²Õ¦¨³¡¤À³Q¿E¬¡¡A¨ÃÂX´²¨ìªí­±¶}©l§ïµ½

their friction characteristics through plastic deformation.³q¹L¶ì©ÊÅܧΪº¼¯À¿¯S©Ê¡CThe organic reaction products become a component of the¦³¾÷¤ÏÀ³ªº²£ª«¦¨¬°¤@­Ó²Õ¥ó

tribopolymer system.tribopolymer«Y²Î¡CUnlike the case with conventional lubricants, the tribopolymers formed by MFT are long-¤£¦P©ó¶Ç²Îªº¼í·Æ¾¯ªº±¡ªp¤U¡A¥ÑMFT¤¤§Î¦¨ªºtribopolymers¡A¬Oªø´Áªº

chained compounds with excellent lubricity and adhesion.Ãì¤Æ¦Xª«¨ã¦³Àu¨}ªº¼í·Æ©Ê©MÖߪþ ¡CThe load carrying area is improved and the hydrodynamic¬O§ïµ½©M©Ó¸ü°Ïªº¤ô°Ê¤O

lubrication film is easier to maintain.¼í·Æ½¤©ö©óºûÅ@¡CThis unique physical-chemical reaction is Castrol surface engineering and³oºØªºª«²z¤Æ¾Ç¤ÏÀ³¬O¹Å¹êªí­±¤uµ{©M

achieves a non-sacrificial micro-smoothing of the friction surfaces.¹ê²{¤F¼¯À¿ªí­±ªº«DÄ묹·LÆ[¥­·Æ ¡CThe MFT additive technology provides optimumMFT¤¤ªº²K¥[¾¯§Þ³N¡A´£¨Ñ¨Îªº

wear protection and an extremely low coefficient of friction even under extremes of pressure, vibration, shock loads,¿i·l«OÅ@©M·¥§Cªº¼¯À¿«Y¼Æ¡A§Y¨Ï¦b·¥ºÝªºÀ£¤O¡A®¶°Ê¡A½ÄÀ»¸ü²ü ¡A

at high or low speeds or varying operational conditions.¦b°ª·Å©Î§C·Åªº³t«×©Î¤£¦Pªº¾Þ§@±ø¥ó¡C

Optigear BM gear oils are in conformity with and even exceed the requirements of DIN 51517 part 3 CLPOptigear°©Å辦½üªo¡A²Å¦X¬Æ¦Ü¶W¹LDIN 51517³¡¤À3¤¤¹qªº­n¨D

and AGMA specifications 9005-D94 for EP Gear Oil.AGMA 9005 - D94 EP¾¦½üªo³W®æ¡C


In all types of industrial gears, especially operating under extremely heavy loads, wher conventional EP oils fail.¦b©Ò¦³Ãþ«¬ªº¤u·~¾¦½ü¡A¤×¨ä¬O¦b·¥¨ä¨I­«ªº­t²ü¡A¦b¶Ç²ÎªºEPªo¥¢±Ñ¤u§@¡A ¡C

? Long term lubrication under the most extreme mechanical conditions, vibrations and elevated temperatures.?·¥ºÝªº¾÷±ñ±ø¥ó¡A®¶°Ê©M°ª·Å¤Uªºªø´Á¼í·Æ ¡C

? Spur and bevel gears, worm gears up to the medium load range?¤ä½u©MÀ@¾¦½ü¡A½½½ü¡A¥H¤¤µ¥­t²ü½d³ò

? Gears exposed to high sliding friction and high Hertzian surface pressures up to 2000 N/mm?¼ÉÅS©ó°ª·Æ°Ê¼¯À¿©M°ª»®¯÷ªí­±À£¤O¬°2000¤û¹y/²@¦Ìªº¾¦½ü


(elevators, rolling¡]¹q±è¡Aºu°Ê

mills, belt conveyors, extruders, vibrating equipment, crushers, high speed looms and separators).¿i¾÷¡A¥Ö±a¿é°e¾÷¡AÀ½¥X¾÷¡A®¶°Ê³]³Æ¡A¯}¸H¾÷¡A°ª³t´¾÷©M¤À¹j²Å¡^¡C

? Eccentrics, cam shafts and planetary gears.?´­¦{¤K©Ç¡A¥Y½ü¶b©M¦æ¬P¾¦½ü¡C

? Variable speed drives (PIV).?Åܳt¶Ç°Ê§Þ³N¡]PIV¡^¡C

? Sealed gear couplings.?±K«Ê¦¡¾¦½üÁp¶b¾¹ ¡C

? In all types of bearings, especially for spherical roller bearings, full complement cylindrical roller bearings and?¦b©Ò¦³Ãþ«¬ªº¶b©Ó¡A¯S§O¬O¡A²y­±ºu¤l¶b©Ó¡Aº¡¸Ë¶ê¬Wºu¤l¶b©Ó©M¡A

thrust bearings.±À¤O¶b©Ó¡C

? Circulation systems.?¬y³q«Y²Î¡C


? Extended life time of machine elements and wear parts, lower maintenance and labour costs by minimised wear?¾÷¾¹³¡¥ó©M©ö·l¥óªº¹Ø©R©µªø®É¶¡¡A­°§CºûÅ@©M³Ò°Ê¤O¦¨¥»¤p¤Æªº¿i·l

and friction.©M¼¯À¿¡C

? Full load operation within shortest time, virtually eliminating the running-in period.?¦bµuªº®É¶¡¤ºº¡­t²ü¹BÂà¡A´X¥G¤F¦b¹B¦æ´Á¶¡¡C

? Lower costs for lubricants and waste oil disposal because of significant extensions of both service life and re-?­°§C¦¨¥»¡A¼í·Æªo©M¼oªo³B²z¡A¦]¬°¨Ï¥Î¹Ø©R©M­«·sÅãµÛªºÂX®i

lubrication intervals.¼í·Æ¶¡¹j¡C

? Energy savings due to reduced coefficient of friction, lower temperature of lubricant and component and?¸`¬ù¯à·½¡A­°§C¤F¼¯À¿«Y¼Æ¡A§Cªº¼í·Æªo©M²Õ¥óªº·Å«×©M

improvement in operating efficiency.¦b¸gÀç®Ä²vªº§ïµ½ ¡C

? Product consolidation, ie simplification and reduction of lubricants and spare parts.?²£«~¾ã¦X¡A§Y²¤Æ©M´î¤Ö¼í·Æ¾¯©M³Æ¥ó¡C

? Reduction of noise resulting from high frequency stick-slip for "life" lubrication in some applications.?´î¤Ö¾¸­µ¬°¡§¥Í©R¡¨¦b¬Y¨ÇÀ³¥Î¤¤ªº¼í·Æ°ªÀWÖß·Æ ¡C

? Smoothing of existing pittings.?¥­·Æ²{¦³ªºÂI»k¡C

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