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Aluminium Baffle Ceiling Profile

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品牌:RUILV 規格:customized 材質:aluminum alloy

The characteristics of box curtain ceiling:

Box square slot ceiling is a kind of visible curtain type ceiling, thus the visual angle of the house can be adjusted, and the pipes and other facilities of the building can be hidden, additionally, it can make the light mild in the room. This kind of ceiling can be installed and disassembled flexibly and provides adequate space for future repairing. The ceiling won’t drop the sound absorbing and isolating effect of the house and influence the installation of broadcasting system and fire facilities. It is applicable for big area, such as garage, big corridor, airport and metro station.

The characteristics of box curtain ceiling:

Round pipe ceiling is a new type ceiling rising in the industry recent years and has earned high popularity from the market owing to its round shape, open installation, freely space setting and flexible arrangement.

  • 聯係人: 陳青青 女士
  • 電話: 020-39173538
  • 真: 020-39173538
  • 手機: 13922785099
  • 地址: 廣東省 廣州市 廣州市番禺區東環街興學路6號