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嘉實多Optigear BM1000齒輪油

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     嘉實多是公認的潤滑油專家。BP(英國石油公司)旗下的一個子品牌。成功歸功於Charles Cheers Wakefield,是他在1899年建立了專業的潤滑油公司——嘉實多,並確立以技術、獲勝、熱誠與激情、表現為公司的核心價值,這些價值仍能代表嘉實多,而且是使嘉實多成功的核心力量。





嘉實多Optigear BM68/100/150/220/320/460/680/1000/3000齒輪油
     Castrol Optigear BM Range

Gear Oils with MFT


Castrol Optigear? BM are solid-free high performance gear oils containing the additive combination Microflux TransTM

(MFT). It is designed to reduce wear caused by surface fatigue, pitting, spalling, scuffing, scoring or irregularities during

running-in period and during normal operations. 


Microflux Trans (TRANS=TRiple Action Non-sacrificial Surface engineering) improves friction surfaces to an extent not

possible with normal machining processes and conventional Extreme Pressure (EP) lubricants. In a tribological system,

the polarized MFT additives instantaneously create a passive film on friction surfaces before friction occurs. At a given load

level, the MFT additives create a resistant protective layer on friction surfaces. Under severe load, components of the MFT

additive combination are activated and diffuse into the surfaces initiating an improvement of their friction characteristics

through plastic deformation. The organic reaction products become a component of the tribopolymer system. Unlike the

case with conventional lubricants, the tribopolymers formed by MFT are long-chained compounds with excellent lubricity

and adhesion. The load carrying area is improved and the hydrodynamic lubrication film is easier to maintain. This

unique physical-chemical reaction is Castrol surface engineering and achieves a non-sacrificial micro-smoothing of the

friction surfaces. The MFT additive technology provides optimum wear protection and an extremely low coefficient of

friction even under extremes of pressure, vibration, shock loads, at high or low speeds or varying operational conditions.


Optigear BM gear oils are in conformity with and even exceed the requirements of DIN 51517 part 3 CLP and AGMA

specifications 9005-D94 for EP Gear Oil.


=In most types of industrial gears, especially operating under extremely heavy loads, wher conventional EP oils fail

=Long term lubrication under the most extreme mechanical conditions, vibrations and elevated temperatures

=Spur and bevel gears; Eccentrics, cam shafts and planetary gears.

=Gears exposed to high sliding friction and high Hertzian surface pressures up to 2000 N/mm2 (elevators, rolling

mills, belt conveyors, extruders, vibrating equipment, crushers, high speed looms and separators)

=Variable speed drives (PIV)

=Sealed gear couplings

=In all types of bearings, especially for spherical roller bearings, full complement cylindrical roller bearings and thrust


=Circulation systems


.=Extended life time of machine elements and wear parts, lower maintenance and labor costs by minimized wear and


.=Full load operation within shortest time, virtually eliminating the running-in period.

.=Lower costs for lubricants and waste oil disposal because of significant extensions of both service life and

relubrication intervals.

.=Energy savings due to reduced coefficient of friction, lower temperature of lubricant and component and

improvement in operating efficiency.

.=Product consolidation, i.e. simplification and reduction of lubricants and spare parts.

.=Reduction of noise resulting from high frequency stick-slip for "life" lubrication in some applications.

Smoothing of existing pittings.



  • 聯係人: 熊海生 先生
  • 職位: 業務經理
  • 真: 00-傳真號碼
  • 電話: 0755-29101232
  • 手機: 18118756129
  • 址: 廣東省 惠州市 惠州市惠陽區淡水街道鳳凰社區
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