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福斯gleitmo SFL9580固體潤滑劑

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福斯gleitmo SFL9580熱固性聚四氟乙烯固體薄膜潤滑劑/固體潤滑劑

Thermosetting PTFE solid film lubricant with non-stick effect


gleitmo SFL 9580 is a seleced combination of solid lubricants, organic binders, and solvent. 
After hardening, gleitmo SFL 9580 forms an adhesive, oil and solvent-resistant dry lubricating film with good tribological and corrosion protection properties. Furthermore gleitmo SFL 9580 features excellent non-stick properties.

Fields of application

gleitmo SFL 9580 is characterized by its outstanding non-stick properties, thus preventing the adhesion of unwanted residues (e.g. from combustion processes, cataphoretic painting) on the component’s surface. gleitmo SFL 9580 is used for running-in improvement and lifetime lubrication of components at low loads.

Method of application

The components shall be thoroughly degreased prior to their coating.
gleitmo SFL 9580 is applied by spraying. It can also be applied using dip centrifuge and/or drum coating equipment.
To enhance its adhesion and thus its service life pretreatment by phosphatizing or sand blasting is recommended.


Stir gleitmo SFL 9580 well before use.
Shelf life: 12 months in closed original containers at ambient temperature


  • forms a dry, adhesive lubricating film

  • temperature range: -70 / +250 °C short-term: up to 270°C

  • resistant to solvents, mineral oil, and synthetic liquids

  • very good non-stick properties

  • allows lifetime lubrication

  • 聯係人: 熊海生 先生
  • 職位: 業務經理
  • 真: 00-傳真號碼
  • 電話: 0755-29101232
  • 手機: 18118756129
  • 址: 廣東省 惠州市 惠州市惠陽區淡水街道鳳凰社區
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  • 致電: 0371-63388900