ºÖ´µSTABYL 300 AL 2¯SºØ¼í·Æ¯× FUCHS STABYL 300 AL 2
CEPLATTYN 300 is a high-graphite adhesive lubricant based on a selected base oil and contains EP additives and tackiness improvers.
CEPLATTYN 300 is free of bitumen, heavy metals and solvents.
In combination with CEPLATTYN RN and CEPLATTYN KG 10 HMF, CEPLATTYN 300 represents the FUCHS LUBRITECH multi-phase system.
CEPLATTYN 300 is recommended as primer for large Open Gears, gear racks and sliding surfaces. It is also used as an assembly paste for screws/bolts and pins.
It is also suitable for wire rope lubrication and preservation as well as in steel hydraulics construction for chains, sliding surfaces, and gear tooth systems.
CEPLATTYN 300 is applied manually on clean surfaces.
Do not use in centralised lubrication systems!
CEPLATTYN 300 is approved for undergrund mining by the Arnsberg District Authority, Dortmund, approval reference number:
Also available in aerosol cans as CEPLATTYN 300 SPRAY, product code: 6612 (German Railway material number DB Mat.-Nr. 00106169).
protects against corrosion
Temperature range of lubricant film: -30 / +250 ¢XC
dry film up to +500 ¢XC
excellent adhesion
outstanding protection against wear
forms a solid lubricant film under pressure
forms a ?dry¡§ lubricating film, which repels dust