PR6423/004-030 CON021 EPRO¶Ç·P¾¹«e¸m¾¹PR6423/004-010 CON021
PR6423/004-030 CON021 EPRO¶Ç·P¾¹«e¸m¾¹PR6423/004-010 CON021
PR6423/004-030 CON021 EPRO¶Ç·P¾¹«e¸m¾¹PR6423/004-010 CON021¸T¥Î¡]±j¨î¡^ÂI¦¹¹Lµ{»¡©ú¦p¦ó¸T¥Î¦b±±¨î¾¹¤W¹B¦æªºÀ³¥Îµ{§Ç¤WªºÂI¡AÀ³ÂÔ·V¨Ï¥Î¡C·í¤@ÓÂI³Q¸T¥Î®É¡A²{³õ»ö¾¹ªº¿é¤J¤£·|§ïÅܸÓÂIªºÈ¡CEMERSON PR6426/000-010+CON021¸T¥ÎÂI³q±`¥Î©ó»Ýn§ó´«©Îײz²{³õ»öªíªº±¡ªp¡C¹ï©óTricon v9.x¡A¤@¦¸***¦h¥i¥H¸T¥Î64ÂI¡C¹ï©óTricon v10.x¡A***¦h¥i¥H¸T¥Î256ÓÂI¡C¨BÆJ1®i¶}°t¸m¾ð¡AEMERSON PR6426/000-010+CON021µM«á³æÀ»±±¨î¾¹±ªO¡C2¦b¡§©R¥O¡¨µæ³æ¤W¡A³æÀ»¡§³s±µ¡¨©R¥O¡A¨Ã®Ú¾Ú»Ýn¿é¤J³s±µ±K½X¡C3ÂùÀ»n¸T¥ÎªºÂI¡AµM«á³æÀ»¡§¸T¥Î¡¨¡C¤@¦¸¥u¯à¸T¥Î¤@ÓÂI¡C4«´_¨BÆJ3¡Aª½¨ì©Ò¦³»ÝnªºÂI³£³Q¸T¥Î¡Cĵ§i?¶µ¥Ø¤£À³¥]§t¸T¥ÎÂI¡A°£«D¦³¯S©wì¦]¸T¥Î¥¦Ì¡A¨Ò¦pªì©l´ú¸Õ©ÎºûÅ@¡C?¸T¥ÎÂI·|¼W¥[±½´y®É¶¡¡CPR6423/004-030 CON021 EPRO¶Ç·P¾¹«e¸m¾¹PR6423/004-010 CON021
Disabling (Forcing) Points This procedure explains how to PR6423/004-030 CON021 EPRO/PR6423/004-010 CON021disable points on an application running on a controller, which should be used with care. When a point is disabled, inputs from field instruments do not change the value of the point. Disabling points is typically used when field instruments need to be replaced or repaired. For Tricon v9.x, a maximum of 64 points can be disabled at any one time. For Tricon v10.x, a maximum of 256 points can be disabled.PR6423/004-030 CON021 EPROPR6423/004-010 CON021Procedure 1 Expand the Configuration tree, and click Controller Panel. 2 On the Commands menu, click the Connect command, and enter the connection password if required. 3 Double-click a point to be disabled, and click Disable. Only one point can be disabled at a time. 4 Repeat step 3 until all desired points have been disabled. WARNING ? A project should not contain disabled points unless there is a specific reason for disabling them, such as initial testing or maintenance. ? Disabling points can increase the scan time.PR6423/004-030 CON021 EPROPR6423/004-010 CON021
FOXBORO | FBM215 | AB | 1794-IC16 |
FOXBORO | FBM214B P0927AH | AB | 1794-IB8 |
FOXBORO | FBM214B | AB | 1794-IB32 |
FOXBORO | FBM207B P0914WH | AB | 1794-IB16D |
FOXBORO | FBM207 | AB | 1794-IB16 |
FOXBORO | FBM206 | AB | 1794-IA8I |
FOXBORO | FBM204 P0914SY | AB | 1794-IA16 |
FOXBORO | FBM204 | AB | 1794-CE3 |
FOXBORO | FBM202 P0926EQ | AB | 1794-ASB/Eª©¥» |
FOXBORO | FBM201 P0914SQ | AB | 1794-ASB/E |
FOXBORO | FBM201 | AB | 1794-ASB |