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®¶°Ê¶Ç·P¾¹PR6423-000-010 CON21
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1. CPU module
The CPU module mainly consists of a microprocessor (CPU chip) and memory. In a PLC control system, the factory CPU module is equivalent to a human brain. It continuously collects input signals, executes user programs, and refreshes the system's output; Memory is used to store programs and data.
2. Input output module
The input module and output module are abbreviated as I/O modules. They are the eyes, ears, hands, and feet of the system, serving as a bridge between external field devices and CPU modules.
The input module is used to receive and collect input signals, and the switch input module is used to receive slave buttons; Switch input signals from selector switches, digital dial switches, limit switches, proximity switches, photoelectric switches, pressure relays, etc; The analog input module is used to receive the constantly changing analog current and voltage signals provided by the potentiometer, tachogenerator and various transmitters.
The switch output module is used to control output devices such as contactors, solenoid valves, electromagnets, indicator lights, digital display devices, alarm devices, etc., while the analog output module is used to control actuator mechanisms such as regulating valves and frequency converters.
The working voltage of the CPU module is generally 5V, while the input/output signal voltage of the PLC is generally higher, such as DC 24V and AC 220V. The spike voltage and interference noise introduced from outside may damage the components in the CPU module or prevent the PLC from working properly. In the I/O module, devices such as optocouplers, optoelectronic thyristors, and small relays are used to isolate the internal and external I/O circuits of the PLC. In addition to transmitting signals, I/O modules also have functions of level conversion and isolation.
3. Program arranger
Programmers are used to generate user programs and use them to edit, inspect, modify, and monitor the execution of user programs. A handheld programmer cannot directly input and edit ladder diagrams, but can only input and edit instruction table programs, so it is also called an instruction programmer. It is small in size and cheap in price. Generally used for small-scale PLC programming or on-site debugging and maintenance.
Programming software can directly generate and edit ladder diagrams, instruction lists, functional block diagrams, and sequential function diagram programs on the computer screen, and achieve mutual conversion between different programming languages. After the program is compiled, it can be uploaded to the PLC or uploaded to the computer. This program can be saved or printed, and can be programmed and transmitted remotely through the network.
®¶°Ê¶Ç·P¾¹PR6423-000-010 CON21
3500/72M ¬¡¶ë±ì¦ì¸mºÊ´ú¾¹
3500/77M ¨T¬ûÀ£¤OºÊ´ú¾¹
3500/63 ®ðÅéºÊ´ú¾¹
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3500/94 VGA Åã¥Ü¸Ë¸m
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3500/40M Proximitor? ºÊ´ú¾¹¼Ò¶ô¡G³q¹DÃþ«¬-®|¦V®¶°Ê¡B¶b¦V¦ì²¾¡B°¾¤ß¡B®tµÈ
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HONEYWELL | 80366189-175 | ABB | PP D539 A102 3BHE039770R0102 |
ABB | ITCTU11 | ABB | 3BHE031065R0020 |
HONEYWELL | 51305482-175 | ABB | PM867K01 3BSE076355R1 |
Yokogawa | EC401-50 | SIEMENS | A5E42881731 |
BENTLY NEVADA | 177230-02 | ICS TRIPLEX | T8310 |
Siemens | 6ES5955-3LF44 | ICS TRIPLEX | T8461 |
BENTLY NEVADA | 3300/20 135322-01 | ABB | PP D512 3BHE040375R103E |
BENTLY NEVADA | 3500/50M 106M2686-01 | ICS TRIPLEX | T8480 |
BENTLY NEVADA | 3300/10 78422-01 | ICS TRIPLEX | T8110C |
BENTLY NEVADA | 84140-01 78462-01 | ABB | 3BHE041626R0101 PD D405 A101 |