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BENTLY NEVADA 330851-02-000-060-10-00-CN ±µªñ±´ÀY
3300 XL 25 mm ±´ÀY³]p¥Î©ó¦b´c¦Hªº¨T½ü¾÷ DE Àô¹Ò¤¤´£¨Ñ¤jªº¥Í¦s¯à¤O¡C¥¦¥i¥H¦b°ª¹F 200 ¢XC (392 ¢XF) ªº°ª·Å¤U«ùÄò¹B¦æ¨Ã«O«ù¨äºë«×¡A¨Ã¥B¥i¥H©Ó¨ü°ª¹F 250 ¢XC (482 ¢XF) ªº¶¡·²©Ê°ª·Å¡C25 ²@¦Ì±´ÀY¨ã¦³«e«á±K«Ê¡Aµ²¦X FluidLoc* ¹qÆl¡]©Ò¦³ 25 ²@¦Ì±´ÀYªº¼Ð·Ç°t¸m¡^¡A¥i¨¾¤î¤ô¤À¶i¤J±´ÀY¡C¯S®íªº°ª·Å ClickLoc ³s±µ¾¹¤]¬O±´ÀY©M©µªø¹qÆlªº¼Ð·Ç°t¸m¡C¨CÓ±´ÀY©M¹qÆl³£°t¦³³s±µ¾¹«OÅ@¾¹©M¤@¦¸©Ê³s±µ¾¹«OÅ@¾¹¦w¸Ë¤u¨ã¡A¥H½T«O³s±µ¾¹¤£¨ü¦Ã¬V¡C±´ÀY¾É½u¤Wªº ClickLoc ³s±µ¾¹¦³¤@Ó¥i©î¨øªº®MÀô¡A«K©ó¹qÆl¬ï¹L¯U¯¶ªº¶¡»Ø¡C
¬ü°ê¥»¯S§QBENTLY NEVADA¤ºµØ¹F¶Ç·P¾¹330500-02-04
9200, 74712, 47633 Seismoprobe.
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330500 ³t«×p¡]Velomitor¡^
330400 ©M 330425 ¥[³t«×p
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BENTLY NEVADA 330851-02-000-060-10-00-CN Proximity Probe
The 3300 XL 25 mm probe is designed to provide maximum survivability in the harshest turbine DE environments. It can operate continuously and maintain its accuracy at high temperatures up to 200 ¢X C (392 ¢X F), and can withstand intermittent high temperatures up to 250 ¢X C (482 ¢X F). The 25mm probe has a front and rear seal, combined with a FluidLoc * cable (standard configuration for all 25mm probes) to prevent moisture from entering the probe tip. The special high-temperature ClickLoc connector is also a standard configuration for probes and extension cables. Each probe and cable is equipped with a connector protector and a disposable connector protector installation tool to ensure that the connector is not contaminated. The ClickLoc connector on the probe wire has a detachable collar to facilitate cable passage through narrow gaps.
Bentley Nevada Sensors 330500-02-04
9200, 74712, 47633 Seismoprobe.
Speed sensor system
Bentley Seismoprobe. The speed sensor system measures the vibration of bearing housings, casings, or structures relative to free space. The two wire system consists of sensors, cables, and optional velocity displacement converters.
The Seismoprobe. series speed sensors are a two wire structure that uses dynamic coil technology to provide a voltage output directly proportional to the vibration speed of the sensor. Unlike solid state velocity sensors (which are essentially integrated electronic circuits embedded in accelerometers), moving coil sensors have reduced sensitivity to shock or pulse excitation, making them a better application choice. In addition, as they do not require external power supply, they make portable measurement applications more convenient.
Note: For most applications, Bentley Nevada's Velomitor. series speed sensors incorporate solid-state technology, providing high performance and more robust structure in casing speed measurement.
Seismoprobe. There are three types of speed sensors:
9200: 9200 is a two wire sensor suitable for continuous monitoring or for periodic measurement in conjunction with testing or fault diagnosis instruments. When ordered together with the overall cable, the 9200 has * * * corrosion resistance and does not require additional protection.
74712: 74712 is the high-temperature application version of 9200.
47633: There are fewer installation methods for 47633, only providing overall armored cables. Its design adopts a replaceable chuck, which is easy to replace when the moving coil is worn. It is used for general purpose machinery with limited installation methods for speed sensors and only needs to provide simple performance.
330500 Velomitor
Piezoelectric speed sensor
The Velomitor piezoelectric speed sensor is used to measure the vibration (relative to the free surface) of the bearing housing, housing or structure. Unlike speed sensors with moving components, such as the Bentley Nevada Seismoprobe. series, Velomitor. sensors adopt crystal form and are designed in a * * * * style based on piezoelectric accelerometers, embedded in an integral circuit. Due to its use of crystal circuits and no moving parts, it will not cause wear and degradation, and can be installed vertically, horizontally, or at any angle.
330400 and 330425 accelerometers
Acceleration sensor
These sensors are applied to key machinery that require measurement of shell acceleration, such as gear meshing monitoring. The design of 330400 meets the requirements of American Petroleum Institute Standard 670 for accelerometers. It provides an amplitude of 50 g peak and a sensitivity of 100 mV/g. 330425 is basically the same as 330400, except for its larger amplitude range (75 g peak) and sensitivity of 25 mV/g.
Bently Bently USA Product Details
3300 Probe Sensor, 330 Cable, 330180 Proximitor, 3500 Monitoring Module
3500/72M ¬¡¶ë±ì¦ì¸mºÊ´ú¾¹
3500/77M ¨T¬ûÀ£¤OºÊ´ú¾¹
3500/63 ®ðÅéºÊ´ú¾¹
3500/92 ³q°TºôÃö
3500/93 LCD Åã¥Ü¸Ë¸m
3500/94 VGA Åã¥Ü¸Ë¸m
3500/95 «Y²Îºî¦X PC Åã¥Ü¸Ë¸m
3500/40M Proximitor? ºÊ´ú¾¹¼Ò¶ô¡G³q¹DÃþ«¬-®|¦V®¶°Ê¡B¶b¦V¦ì²¾¡B°¾¤ß¡B®tµÈ
3500/42M Proximitor? /¦ì²¾/³t«×¥[³t«×ºÊ´ú¾¹¼Ò¶ô¡G³q¹DÃþ«¬-¥[³t«×¡B³t«×¡B¶b®¶°Ê
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1756-DMA31 | SPAS011 | 128031-01C | 6DD1682-0BE0 |
1756-DMD30 | INTKM01 | 126648-02 | 6DS1122-8AA |
1756-EN2F | INNIS11 | 126648-01 | 6DS1124-8AA |
1756-EN2TXT | IIMCL01 | 126632-01 | 6DS1211-8AA |
1756-EN3TR | IMDSM04 | 126615-01 | 6DS1213-8AA |
1756-ENET | IMFEC11 | 126599-01 | 6DS1220-8AA |
1756-¹q¤lºô | NTMF01 | 125840-02 | 6DS1222-8BA |
1756-IA32 | NTMP01 | 125840-01 | 6DS1223-8AA |
1756-IB16 | NTST01 | 125800-02 | 6DS1300-8AB |
1756-IB16D | NRDI02 | 125800-01 | 6DS1311-8AE |