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bently3500/15電源型號3500/15-05-05-00 (前面板106M1079-01後背板106M1081-01)


新一代3500/15 交流供電模塊來替代舊的兩種交流供電模塊。3500/15 交流供電電源的設計變更為對於所有85到264 Vac 交流電壓輸入範圍,均採用相同型號主供電模塊和電源輸入模塊。由一種交流模塊替代原高壓交流(HVAC)和低壓交流(LVAC)兩種型號。

 關於本特利3500/15 電源模塊,近推出新一代3500/15 交流供電模塊來替代舊的兩種交流供電模塊。3500/15 交流供電電源的設計變更為對於所有85到264 Vac 交流電壓輸入範圍,均採用相同型號主供電模塊和電源輸入模塊。由一種交流模塊替代原高壓交流(HVAC)和低壓交流(LVAC)兩種型號。


1  電源類型

           3500監測係統可接受三種類型電源:交流電源,高壓直流電源和低壓直流電源。使用兩種類型電源輸入模塊(PIM),3500交流電源可接受兩種範圍的交流輸入電壓。高壓交流電PIM可接受從175Vac到250Vac rms輸入。低壓交流電PIM可接受從85至125Vac rms輸入。高壓直流電源可提供從88一140V此的直流輸入。低壓直流電源可提供從20   -30Vdc的直流輸入。

2  單電源


3  雙電源






 A:  電源類型 (上部槽口)

 0 1 低壓交流(85 到132 Vac rms)

 0 2 高壓交流(175 到  264 Vac rms)

 0 3 高壓直流(88 到 140 Vdc)

 0 4 低壓直流(20 到 30 Vdc)

 05 通用電源Universal AC Voltage (85 to 264 Vac rms)

B:  電源類型 (下部槽口)

0 0 無電源(僅用於 要求單電源的情況)

0 1 低壓交流(85 到 132 Vac rms)

0 2 高壓交流(175 到 264 ac rms)

0 3 高壓直流(88 到 140 Vdc)

0 4 低壓直流(20 到 30 Vdc)

05 通用電源Universal AC Voltage (85 to 264 Vac rms)

C:  批準單位選項

0 0   無

0 1   CSA/NRTL/C


127610-01 交流電源模塊

125840-01 高電壓交流電源輸入模塊(PIM)

125840-02 低電壓交流電源輸入模塊(PIM)

106M1079-01  Universal AC Power Supply Module

106M1081-01  Universal AC Power Input Module

129486-01 高壓直流電源模塊

129478-01 高電壓直流電源輸入模塊(PIM)

133292-01 低壓直流電源模塊

133300-01 低壓直流電源輸入模塊PIM)


3500/15-05-00-00 (106M1079-01,106M1081-01

3500/15-05-05-00 (106M1079-01,106M1081-01

3500/15-02-00-00   3500/15-02-02-00  


The new generation 3500/15 AC power supply module replaces the old two types of AC power supply modules. The design of the 3500/15 AC power supply has been changed to use the same model of main power supply module and power input module for all 85 to 264 Vac AC voltage input ranges. Replace the original high-voltage AC (HVAC) and low-voltage AC (LVAC) models with an AC module.

Regarding the Bentley 3500/15 power supply module, a new generation of 3500/15 AC power supply modules has recently been introduced to replace the old two types of AC power supply modules. The design of the 3500/15 AC power supply has been changed to use the same model of main power supply module and power input module for all 85 to 264 Vac AC voltage input ranges. Replace the original high-voltage AC (HVAC) and low-voltage AC (LVAC) models with an AC module.

The Bentley 3500 power supply is a half height module that must be installed in a specially designed slot on the left side of the frame. The 3500 rack can install one or two power supplies (any combination of AC and DC power supplies). Any type of power supply can provide power to the entire framework. If two power supplies are installed, the second power supply can serve as redundancy for the basic power supply. As long as a backup power supply is installed, removing and installing a power module will not affect the operation of the rack.

1 Power supply type

The 3500 monitoring system can accept three types of power sources: AC power, high-voltage DC power, and low-voltage DC power. Using two types of power input modules (PIMs), the 3500 AC power supply can accept two ranges of AC input voltages. The high-voltage AC PIM can accept inputs from 175Vac to 250Vac rms. The low-voltage AC PIM can accept inputs from 85 to 125Vac rms. The high-voltage DC power supply can provide DC input from 88-140V. The low-voltage DC power supply can provide DC input from 20-30Vdc.

2 single power supply

3500 can operate with a single power supply at full load. When using a single power supply, it is recommended to install the single power supply in the upper position.

3 dual power supplies

When the frame is equipped with two power supplies, the lower slot power supply serves as the main power supply and the upper slot power supply serves as the backup power supply. If the main power supply fails, the backup power supply will provide power to the frame without interrupting its operation. Each power supply will provide power to an independent power distribution network, which ensures that any fault in one power distribution network (such as a+5 volt power supply short circuit) will not affect the power supply of the second power supply. When using three redundant modules, two power supplies are required.

The power input module is a half height module that is connected to and powered by the power supply. The power input module is installed at the rear of the power module (depending on rack or disk installation) or above the power supply (on the partition frame). For example, if the power supply is installed in the upper slot, its power input module must be installed in the upper slot. When there is a backup power supply and corresponding power input module, unplug or insert a power input module

bently3500/15電源型號3500/15-05-05-00 (前面板106M1079-01後背板106M1081-01)



3500/72M 活塞桿位置監測器

3500/77M 汽缸壓力監測器

3500/63 氣體監測器

3500/92 通訊網關

3500/93 LCD 顯示裝置

3500/94 VGA 顯示裝置

3500/95 係統綜合 PC 顯示裝置 

3500/40M Proximitor? 監測器模塊:通道類型-徑向振動、軸向位移、偏心、差脹

3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度監測器模塊:通道類型-加速度、速度、軸振動

3500/45 位置監測器模塊:通道類型-軸向位移、差脹、斜面差脹、殼脹、閥門位置


免責聲明: AMIKON我們銷售新產品和停產產品,渠道購買此類特色產品。阿米控不是本網站特色產品的授權分銷商、經銷商或代表。本網站上使用的所有產品名稱/產品圖片、商標、品牌和徽標均為其各自所有者的財產。帶有這些名稱,圖片、商標、品牌和徽標的產品描述、描寫或銷售僅用於識別目的,並不表示與任何權利持有人有任何關聯或授權。

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BENTLY NEVADA330104-00-24-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PAOX01 51405039-275
BENTLY NEVADA330104-00-25-10-02-05HONEYWELLCC-PAOX01 51405039-275
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BENTLY NEVADA330104-01-06-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PCF901 51405047-176
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BENTLY NEVADA330104-03-06-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PCNT02 51454551-275
BENTLY NEVADA330104-05-13-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PDIL01 51405040-176
BENTLY NEVADA330104-05-15-05-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PDOB01 51405043-175
BENTLY NEVADA330104-13-20-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PDOB01 51405043-175

  • 聯係人: 吳工 女士
  • 電話: 0592-5085207
  • 手機: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元