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CC-PAIH02 51405038-375端子

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產品標題: CC-PAIH02 51405038-375端子模塊

型號: CC-PAIH02 51405038-375

品牌: 霍尼韋爾


CI854和CI854A的模塊類型均表示為CI854K01。要區分CI854與CI854B,考慮硬件更改指數。如果HW Change Index以02開頭,則模塊類型為CI854AK01。01表示CI854K01。在本例中,使用CI854A。Red.Switchover使用此功能對連接的PROFIBUS從屬設備執行冗餘切換。在輸入對話框中,輸入要執行切換的主從機和備份從機的節點地址。按應用按鈕執行切換。在響應中,您將獲得操作的結果。錯誤或成功操作的結果如下:成功操作:SERVICE WAS SENT錯誤:執行功能時出錯


The Module Type for both CI854 and CI854A is indicated as CI854K01. To differ between CI854 and CI854A the HW Change Index has to be considered. If the HW Change Index starts with 02 then the module type is CI854AK01. 01 indicates a CI854K01. In the example a CI854A is used.Red.Switchover Use this function to perform a redundancy switchover of a connected PROFIBUS slave device. In the input dialog enter the node addresses for primary and backup slave you would like to perform the switchover for. Press the Apply button to perform the switchover.In the response you will get the result of the action. The result in case of an error or a successful operation will be indicated as follows:Successful operation: SERVICE WAS SENT Error: Error performing function



 SNAT 0100-6B  61054588 5761852-3BFC-FE-USI-0002ADV159-P01
6638910B1   638910B1PS0084FC-DCOM-232/485ADM12 S4
PU515A 3BSE032401R1FC-BKM-0001ADM52-2 S4
XI16E1 1SBP260100R1001CC-TAIX11 51308365-175AMM22 S3
3HNE00313-1DC-TFB412 51307618-176AMM32 S3
YT296000-MZ  YXU149B  DC-TFB402  51307616-176AMM32J S1
DSMB144 57360001-ELDC-TCF901 51307593-176AMM42 S3
C1900/0263/0260A  C1900/0263CC-TDOB11 51308373-175AMM42 S4
DSMB151 57360001-KCC-TCNT01 51308307-175 ADM51-2 S4
YXU149  YT296000-RXCC-TCNT01 51308307-175PW482-11

  • 聯係人: 吳工 女士
  • 電話: 0592-5085207
  • 手機: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元