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CC-PAIH01 51405038-175可控硅

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產品標題: CC-PAIH01 51405038-175可控硅模塊

型號: CC-PAIH01 51405038-175

品牌: 霍尼韋爾






Put the system in a safe state when it malfunctions

The DCS system itself continuously conducts online fault detection during operation. Once a fault is detected, the faulty equipment is isolated from the system to prevent it from affecting the normal operation of other equipment. After a fault occurs, an audible and visual alarm will be issued. Maintenance personnel will analyze the cause of the fault based on the alarm prompts and promptly handle the fault to avoid its expansion. During the processing, on-site technical measures should be taken and the CPU should not be easily restarted to avoid causing disturbance to the equipment.

If it is necessary to restart the CPU, it is necessary to cooperate with the operator to take preventive measures. Generally, DCS will reset the analog output signal during CPU reset, which can manually switch the control mode between the actuator and frequency converter. The actuator can also be powered off or the analog output card can be unplugged (the actuator has the function of keeping the signal off), After the system is normal, add the signal to the normal value before powering on the actuator and inserting the card. But it must be based on the characteristics of DCS itself. Some designs have switch safety outputs (on, off, hold, etc.). If the user selects the safety output as on during configuration, the switch will issue an on command after restarting the CPU.



960169-02G60 G6P3CHPWB68A993123
a68 HS - A/E 63-b/f-80-srGDS1003-4001S47DT80K4
A860-0392-T012GE G60 G6P3CH3RW4038-1BB05
ENR36680 A26682-CKJ3241X1-BA1TMMA120
ES-1157-CKUKA 00-134-932VT305

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  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元
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