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HIMA F7553工控DCS係統備件模塊

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產品標題:  F7553工控DCS係統備件模塊

型號: F7553

品牌: HIMA










Program execution phase

The user program of PLC determines the specific relationship between input signals and output signals. Each instruction that constitutes a program has a sequence number, which is called a step number in PLC. The instructions are stored in the storage unit in sequence by step number. During program execution, when there are no jump instructions, the address counter sequentially addresses each storage unit, and the controller sequentially executes these instructions. When executing an instruction, the state of the input status register is first read in. If the program specifies that an output status should be read in, it is also read in from a corresponding bit of the output status register at this time, and then logical operations are performed. The operation results are stored in the output status register. This means that the content of the output status register will change with the execution of the program (determined by the execution result of the output instruction). The number of bits in the output status register corresponds to the number of output components, so it is also called a component image register.

Output refresh stage

After all instructions are executed, the state in the output status register (i.e. the state of the output relay) is transferred to the output latch during the output refresh stage, driving the output coil to form the actual output of the PLC.

After a cycle is completed, the address counter returns to its initial value and repeats the work cycle composed of the above three stages.

Although PLC can be seen as a combination of many electronic relays, timers, and counters implemented with microprocessors; However, it should be noted that there are differences in the action sequence between PLC and relay switch circuits. For relay switch circuits, the actions of all relays can be seen as being executed in parallel or simultaneously, while the electrical actions of PLC are executed in a program or serial manner, repeating the cycle. This causes the output of the PLC to lag behind the input, so when designing the PLC program, full attention should be paid to its periodic working mode.



PU515A 3BSE032401R151402615-400416NHM30030A
XI16E1 1SBP260100R100151402592-175140ACI03000C
YT296000-MZ  YXU149B  YXU 149B51402573-250140XCP50000
DSMB144 57360001-EL51402573-150140XCP51000
C1900/0263/0260A  C1900/026351402497-200140CRP93200C
DSMB151 57360001-K51401642-150R911 AS-S911-003
YXU149  YT296000-RX51401635-150BMH1403P11A2A
C1900/0363  C1900/0363/0360A51401496-100BCH2MM0813CA6C  IEC 60034-1
DSMB114  57360001-MG51401632-100140CPU65160S

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