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HIMA F6705通訊模塊工控DCS係統

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產品標題: HIMA F6705通訊模塊工控DCS係統自動化設備

型號: F6705

品牌: HIMA



要刪除係統,請執行以下步驟:1.從system Builder對話框中,選擇係統,然後單擊delete。要復制係統,請執行以下步驟:1.從“係統生成器”對話框中,選擇係統,然後單擊“復制”以打開對話框。2.輸入新係統的名稱和路徑,然後單擊“確定”。從係統生成器啟動“從備份創建係統向導”,該向導從控制器係統備份創建新係統。此外,您還可以更改程序版本和選項要啟動向導,請執行以下步驟:1.從System Builder對話框中,單擊Create From Backup。這將啟動向導。2.閱讀歡迎頁面上的信息,然後單擊下一步。


To delete a system, follow this steps: 1. From the System Builder dialog box, select the system and then click Delete.To copy a system, follow these steps: 1. From the System Builder dialog box, select the system and then click Copy to bring up a dialog box. 2. Enter a name for the new system and a path, and then click OK.The Create System from Backup Wizard, which creates a new system from a controller system backup, is launched form the System Builder. In addition, you can change the program revision and options To start the wizard, follow these steps: 1. From the System Builder dialog box, click Create from Backup. This starts the wizard. 2. Read the information on the welcome page and click Next.



BENTLY NEVADA330104-00-22-10-02-05HONEYWELLCC-PAOH01 51405039-175
BENTLY NEVADA330104-00-24-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PAOX01 51405039-275
BENTLY NEVADA330104-00-25-10-02-05HONEYWELLCC-PAOX01 51405039-275
BENTLY NEVADA330104-01-05-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PCF901 51405047-175
BENTLY NEVADA330104-01-06-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PCF901 51405047-176
BENTLY NEVADA330104-03-06-05-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PCNT01 51405046-175
BENTLY NEVADA330104-03-06-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PCNT02 51454551-275
BENTLY NEVADA330104-05-13-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PDIL01 51405040-176
BENTLY NEVADA330104-05-15-05-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PDOB01 51405043-175
BENTLY NEVADA330104-13-20-10-02-00HONEYWELLCC-PDOB01 51405043-175

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