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KJ3201X1-EA1 PLC控制器

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產品標題: KJ3201X1-EA1 PLC控制器

型號: KJ3201X1-EA1

品牌: 艾默生










If the value is SLV_ERR_UNSUP_REQ, the master has requested Sync or Freeze during parameterization, which the card does not support. If the value is SLV_ERR_RX_LEN_MISM, the data received from the

master has a length different from the length configured on the card. Read slvReqRxDataLen to determine the Receive data length requested by the master. If there is a receive length mismatch, the card will not communicate

as a slave. If the value is SLV_ERR_TX_LEN_MISM, the master has requested data from the slave with a length different from the length configured for the

slave. Read slvReqTxDataLen to determine the Transmit data length requested by the master. If there is a transmit length mismatch, the card will not communicate as a slave

If the value is SLV_ERR_WD_FACT_INV, one of the two slave watchdog factors is zero, which is not allowed. See section 3.8.7, Master Parameter Data.

If the value is SLV_ERR_TIME_OUT, the slave’s watchdog timed out. The slave goes offline and must be reinitialized by the master. If the value is SLV_ERR_WARN_WD_DIS, the master has disabled the slave watchdog.



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  • 聯係人: 吳工 女士
  • 電話: 0592-5085207
  • 手機: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元