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Shielded cable should be used, with only one end of the shield grounded, to minimize noise effects. The analog output circuitry is isolated as a group with the Analog Input circuitry and the RTD circuitry. Only one ground reference should be used for the three circuits. Transorbs limit this isolation to ¡Ó36 V with respect to the 469 safety ground. If a voltage output is required, a burden resistor must be connected at the input of the SCADA measuring device. Ignoring the input impedance of the input, Rload = Vfull scale / Imax. For 0 to 1 mA, for example, if 5 V full scale is required to correspond to 1 mA, Rload = 5 V / 0.001 A = 5000 ?. For 4 to 20 mA, this resistor would be Rload = 5 V / 0.020 A = 250 ?.



GE IC693CPU372Woodward 5417-028Honeywell 8C-TDIL01 51306856-175
GE IC693DSM302Woodward 5417-040Honeywell 8C-PAIN01 51454356-175
GE IC693MDL330Woodward 5417-175Honeywell 8C-PAINA1 51454470-175
GE IC693MDL646Woodward 5437-672Honeywell  8C-PAON01 51454357-175
GE IC693MDL740Woodward 5461-644Honeywell 8C-PAIN01 51454356-175
GE IC693MDL753Woodward 5461-655Honeywell 8C-TDIL11 51306858-175
GE IC693PBS105Woodward 5462-916Honeywell 8C-TAIX51 51306979-175
GE IC693BEM321Woodward 5464-211  Honeywell 8C-TAIDB1 51307133-175
GE IC693MDL231Woodward 5464-643   Honeywell 8CTPOX01 51307022-175

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