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型號: 8U-TAIDA1



使用“通道診斷”,將列出活動通道錯誤。每個錯誤都用兩行信息表示。***行顯示了一些一般信息。這些是模塊的插槽號、通道是輸入還是輸出的方向、模塊上的通道號和通道類型。通道類型可以是例如字(模擬I/O)或位(二進制I/O)。***行***通道錯誤的類型。如果當前活動錯誤由PROFIBUS標準定義,則錯誤將顯示為正確的消息,如示例中所示“導線故障”。否則,只顯示錯誤代碼。在這種情況下,您檢查從屬GSD文件中Channel_Diag的定義。該示例顯示了S900模擬輸入模塊的當前錯誤代碼31“HART通信錯誤”,該錯誤代碼由S900 GSD文件中的條目Channel_Diag(31)=“HART通訊錯誤”定義。


With “Channel diagnostic” the active channel errors are listed. Each error is indicated with two lines of information. The first line shows some generalinformation. These are the slot number of the module, the direction if the channel is an input or output, the channel number on the module and the type of the channel. The channel type can be for example word (analog I/O) or bit (binary I/O). The second line specifies the type of the channel error. If the current active error is defined by the PROFIBUS standard then the error will be indicated with the correct message like “Wire failure” as shown in the example. Otherwise only the error-code will be presented. In this case you have to check the definitions for Channel_Diag in the slave GSD-file. The example shows the current error code 31 "HART comm. error" for the analog input module of S900 that is defined by the entry Channel_Diag(31) = "HART comm. error" in the S900 GSD file.



EMERSONKJ4001X1-CA1 12P0623X062HONEYWELLMC-IOLX02  51304419-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CC1 12P0733X032HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CC1 12P0733X042HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CC1 12P0733X042HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150 
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CG1 12P1812X042HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150 
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CH1 12P1811X032HONEYWELLMC-PAOX03 51309152-175
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CK1 12P0732X162 HONEYWELLMC-PAOY22  80363969-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-HC1 12P0831X072HONEYWELLMC-PAOY22 80363969-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-JA1 12P1832X022HONEYWELLMC-PDIY22 80363972-150 
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NA1 12P3373X012HONEYWELLMC-PDOX02 51304487-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NA1 12P3373X012HONEYWELLMC-PDOY22 80363975-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NA1 12P3373X022HONEYWELLMC-PDOY22 80363975-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NB1 12P3368X012HONEYWELLMC-PLAM02 51304362-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NB1 12P3368X022HONEYWELLMC-PRHM01  51404109-175

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  • 電話: 0592-5085207
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  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元