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LED指示燈24 VDC電壓存在24 VDC電壓出現和熔斷器總線診斷和熔斷器120 VAC電源存在230 VAC電源存在所需接線板(1)IC220TBK087(包含10個接線板)(1)IC 220TBK01987(包含10條接線板)主24VDC電路。IC220PWR011 IC220PWRO 12 IC220PWR 13 IC220PW R014產品名稱分段端子24 VDC分段端子帶保險絲的24 VDC分段終端帶診斷保險絲的24 VDC24 VDC分段端子電子熔斷的24 VDC生命周期狀態有源有源有源有源輸入電壓24 VDC 24 VDC 24 DC 24 VDC輸入電壓範圍19.2-30 VDC 19.2-30 VDC19.2-30 VDC電流8安培8安培6.3Amps 8 Amps主電路過載/短路No 6.3 Amp慢速熔斷保險絲6.3 Amp緩慢熔斷保險絲電子保險絲浪涌電壓/過電壓電源端子的保護電路電源端子的防護電路電源端子防護電路極性反轉電源端子防護電路電源端子電源端子的保護電路來自本地總線的電流消耗UL(mA)N/A N/A 25mA,30mA,LED指示燈24 VDC電壓存在24 VDC電壓出現和熔斷器總線診斷和熔斷器母線診斷和熔斷熔斷器所需接線板(1)IC220TBK087(包含10個接線板)


LED Indicators 24 VDC Voltage Present 24 VDC Voltage Present and Blown Fuse Bus Diagnostics and Blown Fuse 120 VAC supply Present 230 VAC supply Present Required Terminal Strip (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK204 (1) IC220TBK204 Segment Terminals are used to create a partial circuit (segment circuit) within a main 24 VDC circuit. IC220PWR011 IC220PWR012 IC220PWR013 IC220PWR014 Product Name Segment Terminal 24 VDC Segment Terminal Fused 24 VDC Segment Terminal Fused with Diagnostics 24 VDC Segment Terminal Electronic Fused 24 VDC Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active Input Voltage 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC Input Voltage Range 19.2 - 30 VDC 19.2 - 30 VDC 19.2 - 30 VDC 19.2 - 30 VDC Maximum Current 8 Amps 8 Amps 6.3 Amps 8 Amps Overload/Short Circuit in Main Circuit No 6.3 Amp slow blow fuse 6.3 Amp slow blow fuse Electronic Fuse Surge Voltage/Over Voltage Protective circuits of the power terminal Protective circuits of the power terminal Protective circuits of the power terminal Protective circuits of the power terminal Polarity Reversal Protective circuits of the power terminal Protective circuits of the power terminal Protective circuits of the power terminal Protective circuits of the power terminal Current Consumption from Local Bus UL (mA) N/A N/A 25 mA, maximum 30 mA, maximum LED Indicators 24 VDC Voltage Present 24 VDC Voltage Present and Blown Fuse Bus Diagnostics and Blown Fuse Bus Diagnostics and Blown Fuse Required Terminal Strip (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips)



艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X092西門子6ES7131-4BD01-0AA0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X092   VE4003S2B2西門子6ES7132-0BL01-0XB0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X092   VE4003S2B3西門子6ES7195-7HF80-0XA0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X092 VE4003S2B2西門子6ES7307-1KA00-0AA0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X092 VE4003S2B2西門子6ES7315-1AF03-0AB0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X112   VE4003S2B2西門子6ES7414-1XG02-0AB0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X112 VE4003S2B2西門子6ES7417-4XL04-0AB0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X122西門子6ES7421-1BL00-0AA0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X122   VE4003S2B2西門子6ES7422-1BL00-0AB0
艾默生KJ3222X1-BA1 12P2532X122   VE4003S2B3西門子6ES7431-0HH00-0AB0

  • 聯係人: 吳工 女士
  • 電話: 0592-5085207
  • 手機: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元