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CC-PDIL01Module ¼Æ¦r¿é¤J¥d

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²£«~¼ÐÃD:CC-PDIL01¡ADigital Input 24V Module ¼Æ¦r¿é¤J¥d

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Prescaler The prescaler is used to derive the various clocks required by the tick timers, VME access timers, reset timer, bus arbitration timer, local bus timer, and VMEbus timer. The prescaler divides the local bus clock to produce the constant-frequency clocks required. Software is required to load the appropriate constant, depending upon the local bus clock, following reset to ensure proper operation of the prescaler. Tick Timer The VMEchip2 includes two general purpose tick timers. These timers can be used to generate interrupts at various rates or the counters can be read at various times for interval timing. The timers have a resolution of 1 ?s and when free running, they roll over every 71.6 minutes. Each tick timer has a 32-bit counter, a 32-bit compare register, a 4-bit overflow register, an enable bit, an overflow clear bit, and a clear-oncompare enable bit. The counter is readable and writable at any time and when enabled in the free run mode, it increments every 1 ?s. When the counter is enabled in the clear-on-compare mode, it increments every 1?s until the counter value matches the value in the compare register. When a match occurs, the counter is cleared. When a match occurs, in either mode, an interrupt is sent to the local bus interrupter and the overflow counter is incremented. An interrupt to the local bus is only generated if the tick timer interrupt is enabled by the local bus interrupter. The overflow counter can be cleared by writing a one to the overflow clear bit.



330854-080-25-001203-SM1LZ01 LZ 01
330104-00-12-10-02-001746-IB16/CLL02 LL 02
330104-00-16-05-02-001747-L532/EMA01 MA 01
330104-00-17-05-02-001756-EN2T/BMA03 MA 03
330104-00-18-10-02-0522D-D012N104MA12 MA 12
330104-12-20-10-01-0022B-D2P3N104MAG-XM 50XM2000
330104-00-24-05-02-002711P-T10C22D9PLZ02 LZ 02  0776667F
330104-00-24-10-02-002711P-T15C21D8SCMA130 3DDE300410
330703-000-050-10-02-052080-PS120-240VACTEPI1 R1D 1KHW002601R0001

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