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CC-TAIX11 模擬量輸入模件底板

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產品標題:CC-TAIX11 PWA, AI IOTA RED 16 12IN CE CC 冗餘型模擬量輸入模件底板

型號: CC-TAIX11



網絡接口模塊允許VersaMax PLC在網絡上作為主機或從機運行。目前可用的模塊支持DeviceNet主或從通信以及Profibus-DP從通信。AS-i主通信也可用。IC200BEM002 IC200BEM103 IC200BEM10 4 IC200CHS006產品名稱PLC網絡通信Profibus DP(從設備)。需要IC200CHS006通信運營商。PLC網絡通信DeviceNet(主設備)。需要IC200CHS006通信運營商。PLC網絡通信AS-i(主)。需要IC200CHS006通信運營商。VersaMax I/O,本地通信運營商(支持IC200BEMxxx模塊)生命周期狀態活動活動活動不帶中繼器的站點數量32;***多125個中繼器N/A N/A N/A I/O數據384字節;高達244字節的輸入或244字節的輸出高達128字節的輸入和128字節的輸出每個從機4個輸入位和4個輸出位N/A網絡數據速率9.6 Kbaud到12 Mbaud 125 Kbaud、250 Kbaud和500 Kbaud 166.6Kbits/秒N/A網絡拓撲線性總線,兩端終止。短截線是可能的線性總線(幹線/支線);同一網絡電纜上的電源和信號樹狀結構N/A傳輸介質屏蔽、雙絞線屏蔽、,雙雙絞線橡膠涂層兩線電纜N/A連接器9針D子連接器5針開放式可插拔連接器盒型N/A節點數量N/A支持***多40個從設備支持***多31個從設備N/A用戶診斷數據N/A每個從設備一個存在位顯示數據N/A 5V輸出時功耗460 mA,從+3.3 V輸出5 mA從5 V輸出490 mA,從+3.3伏輸出2 mA從5伏輸出350 mA N/A尺寸(寬x高x深)110毫米(4.3英寸)x 66.8毫米(2.63英寸)x 50毫米(1.956英寸,不包括托架或配合連接器的高度110毫米(4.3英寸)x 66.8毫米(2.63英寸)x 50毫米(1.956英寸


Network Interface Modules allow a VersaMax PLC to operate as a master or slave on a network. Modules currently available support DeviceNet master or slave communications and Profibus-DP slave communications. An AS-i master communications is also available. IC200BEM002 IC200BEM103 IC200BEM104 IC200CHS006 Product Name PLC Network Communications Profibus-DP (Slave). Requires IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier. PLC Network Communications DeviceNet (Master). Requires IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier. PLC Network Communications AS-i (Master). Requires IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier. VersaMax I/O, Local Communications Carrier (Supports IC200BEMxxx Modules) Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active Number of Stations 32 without repeaters; up to 125 with repeaters N/A N/A N/A I/O Data 384 Bytes maximum; up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of outputs Up to 128 bytes of inputs and 128 bytes of outputs 4 input bits and 4 output bits per slave N/A Network Data Rate 9.6 Kbaud to 12 Mbaud 125 Kbaud, 250 Kbaud, 500 Kbaud 166.6Kbits/second N/A Network Topology Linear bus, terminated at both ends. Stubs are possible Linear bus (trunkline/ dropline); power and signal on the same network cable Tree Structure N/A Transmission Media Shielded, twisted pair cable Shielded, dual twisted pair cable Rubber coated two wire cable N/A Connector 9-pin D-sub connector 5-pin open pluggable connector Box Style N/A Number of Nodes N/A Supports up to 40 slave devices Supports up to 31 slave devices N/A User Diagnostic Data N/A One presence bit per slave device Display data N/A Power Consumption 460 mA maximum from 5 V output, 5 mA from +3.3 V output 490 mA maximum from 5 V output, 2 mA from +3.3 V output 350 mA maximum from 5 V output N/A Dimensions (W x H x D) 110 mm (4.3 in) x 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 50 mm (1.956 in), not including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors 110 mm (4.3 in) x 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 50 mm (1.956 in), not including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors 110 mm (4.3 in) x 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 50 mm (1.956 in), not including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors 66.8 mm (2.63 in) x 133.4 mm (5.25 in) x 70 mm (2.75 in), not including the height of DIN Rail



巴赫曼DIO248EMERSONPR6424/010-140 CON021
巴赫曼DIO232EMERSONPR6424/010-110 CON021
巴赫曼DIO216本特利PR6424/010-040 CON021
巴赫曼DI232EPROPR6424/010-010-CN CON021
巴赫曼CM202EPROPR6424/010-010 CON021
巴赫曼AIO288/1 EMERSONPR6424/010-000 CON021
巴赫曼AIO288EPROPR6424/010-000 CON021
巴赫曼AI0288EMERSONPR6424/000-140 CON021 

  • 聯係人: 吳工 女士
  • 電話: 0592-5085207
  • 手機: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元