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3500/40-01-R0前置器 I/O模塊

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產品標題:3500/40-01-R0前置器 I/O模塊 帶內部終端

型號: 3500/40-01-R0




  3500-33-01-00 注意出現下面四種情況時的讀數

  (1) 按下量程Ⅰ按紐是,如果顯示器全不發光,說明讀數低於7%,如果顯示器只有*下面一只發光管發光,說明讀數高於或等於15%,應改按量程Ⅱ按紐,再讀數。

  (2) 按下量程Ⅱ按紐時,如果顯示器全不發光,說明讀數低於16%,應改按量程Ⅰ按紐再讀數,如果顯示器只有*下面一只發光管發光:說明讀數高於或等於35%。

  (3) 按下量程Ⅰ按紐或量程Ⅱ按紐時,如果顯示器相 二只發光管都發光,則讀數可取這二位讀數的平均值,還可以根據不同的亮度,按比例增減讀數。

  (4) 換電池:如果以上檢查測量還不到要求或顯示器發光暗淡,或電池電壓低於10V時,應更換新電池的使用。`

  四、 維修保養

  1、 本儀表為高阻儀器,各部分要有良好的絕緣性,使用保存時要注意防潮防濕,保持幹燥清,以免影響測量準確性。

  2、 發光管發光工作電流5mA左右,幹電池只能間斷放電,所以平時不要長時間按下量程按紐,只有當檢查或測量讀數時才短時間按。動一下即可,以節約用電。

  3、 儀表保存的地方應清 ,其環境溫度為0-40℃,相對溫度小於85%,長期不使用,要把電池從盒內取出。





  準確度: ±(0.5%n+1)







  Product introduction

  Model name: 3500-33-01-00

  3500-33-01-00 Note the readings when the following four conditions occur

  (1) Press the range I button. If the display does not emit light, it indicates that the reading is lower than 7%. If the display has only the lowest light-emitting tube emitting light, it indicates that the reading is higher than or equal to 15%. Press the range II button and read again.

  (2) When pressing the range II button, if the display does not emit light at all, it indicates that the reading is lower than 16%, it should be read again by pressing the range I button. If the display has only the lowest luminous tube emitting light: it indicates that the reading is higher than or equal to 35%.

  (3) When the range I button or range II button is pressed, if the two light-emitting tubes of the display are illuminated, the reading can take the average value of the two readings, and the reading can be increased or decreased in proportion according to different brightness.

  (4) Replace the battery: if the above inspection and measurement are not up to the requirements, or the display is dim, or the battery voltage is lower than 10V, replace the battery`

  4、 Maintenance

  1. This instrument is a high resistance instrument. All parts should have good insulation. Pay attention to moisture-proof and moisture-proof during use and storage, and keep it dry and clean, so as not to affect the measurement accuracy.

  2. The luminous current of the luminous tube is about 5mA, and the dry battery can only discharge intermittently. Therefore, do not press the range button for a long time at ordinary times, and only press it for a short time when checking or measuring the reading. Just move it to save electricity.

  3. The storage place of the instrument shall be clean. The ambient temperature is 0-40 ℃, and the relative temperature is less than 85%. If it is not used for a long time, take out the battery from the box.

  The products sold in our shop are all new products in original packaging and are available in large quantities from stock

  Type: needle type

  Measurement range: moisture: 0 ~ 50%

  Temperature: - 10 ~ 60 ℃

  Accuracy: ± (0.5% N + 1)

  Resolution: 0.1

  Power supply: 4 No. 5 batteries

  Overall dimension: 182x68x38mm

  Measuring rod size: 170x44x25mm

  Weight: 334g (excluding battery)

  Application: Determination of moisture content of wood, wood fiber substances such as bamboo products, woodwork, traditional Chinese medicine, tobacco, cotton, paper and other non-conductive substances.



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EMERSONKJ4001X1-CC1 12P0733X042HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CC1 12P0733X042HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150 
EMERSONKJ4001X1-CG1 12P1812X042HONEYWELLMC-PAIH03 51304754-150 
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EMERSONKJ4001X1-NA1 12P3373X012HONEYWELLMC-PDOX02 51304487-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NA1 12P3373X012HONEYWELLMC-PDOY22 80363975-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NA1 12P3373X022HONEYWELLMC-PDOY22 80363975-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NB1 12P3368X012HONEYWELLMC-PLAM02 51304362-150
EMERSONKJ4001X1-NB1 12P3368X022HONEYWELLMC-PRHM01  51404109-175

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  • 地址: 福建省 廈門市 思明區湖濱南路388號國貿大廈32D單元
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