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福斯GLEITMO 585K特種潤滑脂

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品牌:殼牌 規格: 18L/209L 材質:



說明:gleitmo 585K是一個高品位的鋰皂基潤滑脂,合成油基礎。它包含了一個白色的固體潤滑劑的協同組合潮濕的衝擊負荷,減少磨損。 gleitmo585 K有助於防止微動腐蝕,並允許長期潤滑間隔。


gleitmo585 K是用於受到特別嚴格的要求的所有類型的軸承和潤滑點。潤滑點微動腐蝕或暴露在振蕩運動和振動的風險。

gleitmo585 K是由於白色著色,也用於涉及清潔條件的應用,其中包括其他紡織和造紙加工和灌裝和包裝機。

滾子軸承:填寫在軸承和住房的自由空間僅約30至50%gleitmo585 K.關於軸承的旋轉非常緩慢的房屋完全可以充滿gleitmo585 K。

gleitmo 585K可泵自動潤滑裝置。不要混合使用不同的皂基潤滑脂。



gleitmo 805 K
White high performance grease paste for long-term lubrication under extreme conditions and for assembly
gleitmo 805 K is a high-performance grease paste based on a synthetic oil with a synergistic combination of highly effective White Solid Lubricants.

Fields of application
gleitmo 805 K is used for machine elements of all types, simultaneously subject to extreme pressures, shock loads and vibratory or oscillatory movements.
For paired sliding surfaces which have a tendency to stick-slip and seizure.
For low sliding speeds and high pressures, if fretting corrosion occurs.
gleitmo 805 K is particularly suitable for lubrication of lathe chucks and clamping elements.
Further typical applications:
plastic gears, spindles, big armatures, sliding guides, sliding bearings, oscillating bolts for instance of construction machinery, ball joints, slow running worm gears etc.

Also very suitable as general assembly paste.
Wherever a high adhesive power of the lubricant and best lubrication properties are required.
Due to the high content of solid lubricants only suitable for slow running anti friction bearings.

Method of application
Clean the surfaces if possible and the apply gleitmo 805 K with a brush or a lint-free cloth. Otherwise, application as conventional for greases. If using grease guns or grease applicators, please note the information on pumpability in the ?Technical Data“ section.

temperature range: -45 / +110 °C
withstands extreme pressures
has a low coefficient of friction
reduces wear to a minimum
adheres extremely well
protects against corrosion and is water-resistant
prevents fretting corrosion
avoids stick-slip effects and seizing
is classified as non-toxic by the German Drinking Water Legislation

  • 聯係人: 熊海生 先生
  • 職位: 業務經理
  • 真: 00-傳真號碼
  • 電話: 0755-29101232
  • 手機: 18118756129
  • 址: 廣東省 惠州市 惠州市惠陽區淡水街道鳳凰社區
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